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A special time in a boys life.

My palate has grown more sophisticated.

by Herb The Frog May 5, 2023

palate fatigue

The feeling experienced by men after performing hours of cunninglus on a woman resulting in No orgasm. Recommendations to avoid palate fatigue are:
1) practice daily to increase accuracy
2) tap in a friend

He could barely speak to apologize for his palate fatigue

by Lion Dog November 22, 2013

rural palate

Having a very basic taste in food. Never straying far from a Parma, the big 3 Shapes flavours or other pub classics. Spices are a hard pass.

Ben: “Hey Jen, would you like some avocado with your breakfast?”
Jen: “oh no, that’s far too gourmet, just tomato sauce thanks, I’ve got more of a rural palate”

by Lavoipierre December 23, 2022


to punch someone in the nuts so hard they vomit

Bro! He just palatalized me!

by psychosloth17 April 13, 2016