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1. When a mother straps bombs to her baby and sends them into crowded areas.

2. When Arabs steal the Holy Land from the Jews and turn around and say Muslims were there, first despite Israel existing 1000s of years before the fat warlord Mohammed creating Islam in order to enslave people.

Omg, that mother just palestinianed her toddler into large group of peacefully gathered people.

The good Jewish Israeli people, chosen by God, are being palestinianed again…

by The Lord Historian December 28, 2023


When someone creates an entirely fictitious identity and tries to claim something that does not belong to them as their own all while screaming you stole it from them based on this fault identity.

A recent immigrant to the US walked into my business and demanded I leave claiming he was the rightful owner and that he'd founded it hundred's of years ago! I pointed out that I'd founded it in my bedroom and he couldn't have owned it ever having just recently immigrated to the US. He screamed and attacked me. When I fought back to defend myself he started shouting that I'd stolen his business by force. I've been Palestinianed!

by Fakestinian Nakba December 27, 2023


When you get blown up with a bomb, raped or shot for no good reason

My sister was Palestinianed on October 7th when Hamas decided to invade Israel.

by F Palestine December 27, 2023


When you allow people to come into your country, give them work and treat them respectfully and they use this to gather knowledge about you and then come into your country and massacre the same people who helped them.

My neighbor who gets millions of dollars from UN asks to come help me garden in my house for pay then comes in through my garden, into my house and destroys everyone in my home, including myself , I was Palestinianed.

by Blueboxdoc December 27, 2023


To be a sore loser. To play victim and to freeload the noble people of Iran’s money then to turn against them.

Man. I’ve been giving money to this guy for weed for years as he’s been down on his luck. But as soon as he got more money from Lance, he threw me under the bus and said how cheap I was to everyone. He Palestinianed me!

by KirKploft December 28, 2023


To rape, murder and burn babies and then to claim victimhood.

Why have you Palestinianed me?

by Triage613 January 9, 2024


Performing acts of terrorism and blaming the victims of the terrorism

Hamas palestinianed Israelis and Jews

by Israel forever January 9, 2024