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A time where the world turns against you, and nobody does anything right. Where women get to scream, and be as bitchy as possible. Basically, a whole weeks worth of anger, midol, pain, much time spent for bathroom breaks, and checking your ass every second to see if your covered.

"How was your day?"
"Oh great.. Mother nature brought me my period.. bitch"

by JZbby April 20, 2009

485πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


When all women bleed from their uterus and don't stop for up to a week this happens once every month. This starts around the ages 10-15 years old. A period gives you cramps, pain and more girls start developing when their period is almost here. Girls do have side effects why on their period one is anger, treat girls like queens when they're on their period.

Boy: hey babe, are you okay?

Girl: I'm on my period and my cramps are really bad
Boy: do you want me to go buy you some chocolate or ice cream?
Girl: yes please.

by Weirdness.com September 8, 2019


A time when a girl bleeds from her vagina, gets cramps and gets in a bad mood. They get in an even worse mood when another girl has their period, but they don't have any cramps or pain.

Some people think it's gross to have sex while a girl is on her period, but period sex is perfectly fine. Some docters actually recommend period sex.

Pills can be taken to reduce the amount of blood a girl has on her period. For girl who can't take those pills? Sorry, you're out of luck.

Girl 2: I do too, normally I don't get cramps on tho
Girl: Hhhhh-

by The gayest gay to ever gay April 19, 2017


Time taken to complete one cycle, this can vary depending on the phenomenon under observation. Symbolised by T.

Dude 1 - Dude, Alex's period continued for a longer period than usual this month.
Dude 2 - How much longer?
Dude 1 - It took 9 days.
Dude2 - That would have sucked donkey balls.
Dude 1 - Surely did.
Dude 2 - Yeah, its a shame she is still a bitch for the period between her period (approximately 1 month)
Dude 1 - Yeah, too true.

by Scuzzbutt August 18, 2010

29πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


When a woman sheds her uteras lining. Starts as early in soem girls as age 8 and as late as age 18. Happens about ever 28 days, could be more or less. Happens for 5-7 days. Could be less (lucky!) or more.
Basically when blood comes out of a womans vagina. Creates cramps and bloating.

I can't swim right now, I have my period.

by allymcmally25 September 25, 2004

2539πŸ‘ 1355πŸ‘Ž


1. A punctuation mark at the end of an informative sentence.

2. Something every girl goes through at some point in their lifetime and dreads. It is a good sign, for it shows you arenot pregnant. It also guarantees no sex during that given time. It can be called many things, including the red river, the death, and the visit from aunt flo.

1. And that is why you use a period students. - teacher

2. Hey bro- Guy 1
Hey dude, can’t talk, my girl is bleeding out like the devil.- Guy 2
I thought that was going to hell.- Guy 1
No, that’s kinda what a period is like though.- Guy 2

by BLACKONBLACKNCT2018 January 2, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A punctuation mark signifying the end of a sentence. Or, the time during a female's menstrual cycle when the unfertilized egg cell along with the freshly shed uterine lining is ejected from the uterus. It's not all blood as most people would think, and this process may take up to a week after the start of the period.

Try to end all of your sentences with a period!

Natasha's period is seemingly late. She's been stressed out dealing with school and all.

by TheSpectacularOne April 11, 2009

80πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž