Wenn eine Person sagt dass sie trainieren will, aber dann im letzten Moment verschläft und nicht zum Training erscheint.
"Wollte nicht Philipp mit zum Training kommen?"
"Wollte er, aber er hat den philipp gepullt."
Philippe is a Tropical sex machine. He is good at everything and does magical things. He somehow has done everything and accomplishes things with no explanation.
Have you seen the new kid in our calculus class? He is such a Philippe
he is a big dick man with lots of pussy
Philippe pulls all the hot woman with tight pussys
- Just A Really Stupid Action/Person
Another word for it is Mogool
Which litterally means Idiot but in a more sweary way in Dutch
That was PHILIPPE of you to prank call the Police Station (Action)
Why did you prank call the Police Station, you are such a PHILLIPE
- Just A Really Stupid Action/Person
Another word for it is Mogool
Which litterally means Idiot but in a more sweary way in Dutch
That was PHILIPPE of you to prank call the Police Station (Action)
Why did you prank call the Police Station, you are such a PHILLIPE
Philippe has two personalities:
1. The perfect boyfriend, so sweet and chivalrous and full of life! He always sends you flowers on your birthday and Valentine’s. He tries his hardest to get good grades, but sometimes struggles. He’s like a cuddly bear, always ready for a long hug. He’ll send you long, soppy messages when you’re sad.
2. The friendly cussing and shouting friend who will say outrageous things just to make you laugh
‘I have a date with Philippe later’ ‘I bet he’s a real softie with a name like that!’