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Polar plunge

When you dip your fingers in ice then pull them out to put it right into a vagina

people about to have sex
Girl: babe want to go swimming in pussy?
Guy: hey lemme jump in!
Girl:Nah baby do the Polar Plunge!!

by JIIZZIINGFROG October 21, 2018

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Plunge Jockey

A so-called straight man that will fuck gay men from behind just to get their end away and relief themselves

Every Thursday night I meet Sarahโ€™s husband in secret. Their sex life has dried up so i relief his blue blues. In and out like a plunge jockey.

by Muckyfingers82 June 20, 2023

Final Plunge

The state of a ship that is sinking (generally a large ship) where it is losing buoyancy and taking on water so fast that the ship starts to rapidly head downwards.

Typically, this stage in happens when water begins to reach the uppermost decks and the funnels, although it may differ from ship to ship because of certain circumstances and design of the watertight bulkheads. The Final Plunge is not over until the ship has sunk below the water line, usually not that long after the plunge began.

In shorter words, it is the beginning of the end for a shipโ€™s service life due to reaching the point of no return when it comes to a drastic loss of buoyancy.

The Final Plunge of the R.M.S. Titanic occurred when the bow leaned so far downwards that water began spilling over the watertight bulkheads, and started to lap against the bridge and foward most funnel. Titanic would disappear beneath the waves 15-20 minutes after its final plunge began, with a total sinking time of ~2 hours and 40 minutes.

by Pรฉt January 28, 2022


Sexual move: When you're tonguing the butthole and sucking it at the same time.

Oh baby, baby, you know sucker-plunging is my favorite sex move!!

by Slutty Jerry April 15, 2021

maggot plunge

When someone puts their unerect penis into the womens fajjwutti and it wiggles about like a maggot in water

Here comes the maggot plunge.

by Robert Lamb November 20, 2006

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dick plunging

When you are getting head and grab her ponytail with both hands and pull it up and down as if you were plunging a toilet

I was getting road head and ended up dick plunging my girlfriend.

by PAYNT May 16, 2016

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plunged butthole

The feeling of extreme exhaustion, usually due to a massive hangover.

Big Serg was asked how he felt the day after his 30th birthday party and he responded by saying, "I feel like plunged butthole!" (Always putting emphasis on the B)

by pingasa November 24, 2007

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