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Lewis Potts

A fat retarded person who constantly raids the fridge and watches gay porn all the time also he is really obsessed with tennis

Lewis Potts

by The truth is here today September 11, 2008

2👍 14👎

jordan acton potts

a sub species of martian that trys to fit in with humans always failing they have the same head as e.t amd will allways follow people around

your so strange you act like jordan acton potts

by jay hitler February 16, 2017

15👍 11👎

Potts Creek 2 Stroke

When you’re plowing a girl from behind and you catch and unpleasant smell like trout, but you have to see it through. Thinking you’re hitting the bottom of that thing but you’re really just packing a tampon wad about 3 inches deep.

Hey bro I was getting some head the other day and fell asleep. I woke up mad as hell and gave her the ole Potts creek 2 stroke.

by The whole package of talliwack January 8, 2023

Andrew-Lee Potts



Andrew-Lee Potts is a RABBIT / BUNNYBEAR

by Boblooo March 25, 2010

4👍 28👎

Eva kim-potts

Eva kim-potts is the type of girl almost everyone loves she doesn't want enemies and wants everyone to be happy she is so busy making everyone else happy she doesn't get the time for herself she is selfless caring and loving person once you have her as a friend don't make the mistake of i did i lost eva kim-potts cause i was selfish and a bad friend i wish i could take away everything i did to hurt her and take away her pain but all i did was add to it. I love you eva kim-potts and i miss you.

I love you eva kim-potts what i did was awful and I'm sorry.

by Potterpistole August 13, 2019

Samuel Potts

An good CP bio lab partner, he looks at cars with you and phones, also making the most expensive things on websites. And is very nice, has cold hands but fails class with you.

My lab partner is a Samuel Potts

by samuel potts lover 2.0 October 19, 2021

Izzy Potts

A Kim Kardashian look alike, if Kim kardashian melted slightly. Izzy can be one of the funniest people you know, but like her father she has gas issues.

Guy1: why are you throwing up?
Guy2: Izzy potts cupcaked me

by Guest22 October 24, 2023