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A young female, usually in the age range of about 9 to 15 years of age who dresses and behaves in a very precocious and otherwise slutty manner. Commonly viewed as jail-bait- possibly a little more ostentatious in appearance and behavior.

Look at them prostitots on the corner there. Man they're just askin' for it.

by alwaysamyable June 2, 2010


1. A term used to describe a very adolescent female with promiscuous tendencies. Not to be confused with teenage whore.

2. A very tasty food.

1. I can see that prostitot's G-string through her diapers.

2. Napoleon, give me some of your prostitots.

by schwauve December 18, 2010


A young female that is A prostitute "want to be", . A future ho

A prostitot is a future prostitute in the makings.

by Not.steve October 26, 2018


A Prostitot is a tween/young teen who dresses like a prostitute

Wow, look at her fishnets - shes such a prostitot

by swaggylee June 26, 2014


Young by age trying to be grown; Under aged with promiscuous behavior or feeling their sexuality and projecting it; Females under the age of 18 behaving promiscuouly, dressing promiscuously with chicken head or bird like tendencies etc.

A 14 year old girl who dresses like a stripper and acts like street walker is a prostitot.

by G Bracero March 12, 2010


1. (n) a really hot girl who is also really young, between the ages of 5 and 14, usually.

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen used to be quite the prostitots.

Wow, your 12 year old sister would make a good prostitot!

by TheMayorAl August 30, 2004

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Little girls who dress like hookers, because they think it's attractive.. usually caught flaunting their wall-like figures.

"Hey! Look at those prostitots!"

by Daryl Kiera March 23, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž