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Quid pro bono

Where a service is provided on its face pro bono (without payment), but the length of time spent and the complexity of the service means it is likely there is a quid pro quo settlement of the debt occurring somewhere quietly in the background.

The lawyers were acting for the defendant pro bono, but people suspected that it was actually a quid pro bono arrangement as there was no way the lawyer would work for that guilty defendant for free for so long.

by Mezmerina December 19, 2023


The opposite of ‘guid pro quo’: in which there is no (equal or any)return of similar value or action from person to person.

After the massive amount of financial help I gave him; with a ‘guid pro quoexpectation... I haven’t gotten anything from this dude. He didn’t seem like a ‘Quid-Pro-No’!!!!

by Major Thomas Randle September 20, 2018

quid pro no-no

What folks are saying about Clarence and Ginni Thomas’ shamelessly profiteering Supreme Court decision-for-sale antics.

Oh Clarence, how can the public even think for a minute that we are taking bribes for access, that what we’ve done is a quid pro no-no?

by Dr Bunnygirl May 5, 2023

Quo pro quid

Spanking your partner’s buttocks after being spanked by your partner

She gasped and smiled after he playfully spanked her, then she responded with a frisky quo pro quid on his backside.

by BroccoliCheese November 25, 2022