Source Code

quiz daddy

A term used by the weird HQTrivia fans to acknowledge their host that really shouldnโ€™t be used again, watch Ordinary Thingโ€™s video on it for more info. The usage of this is probably horny, has been used while horny, and will always be used while horny. We at Urban Dictionary are sorry for giving you this information.

Cole: Oh quiz daddy give me those questions for those 13 dolla buckies

John at the apartment next door: what the fuck is wrong with him

by Peskybirb October 6, 2021

Quiz bowl

Quiz bowl (or quizbowl) is a game that is similar to Jeopardy but with teams and more academic questions, most popular among high school and college students in the United States. Since getting good at it requires a lot of time, practice, and intense studying, a school's quizbowl team is typically insular and close-knit.

Person 1: Hey you around to chill tonight?
Person 2: I can't, I have to get up early for a quiz bowl tournament tomorrow
Person 1: Lame

Person 1: You gonna get fucked up at the tailgate?

Person 2: I can't, I'm 100 miles away at a quiz bowl tournament answering questions about quantum mechanics, Rachmaninoff's piano concertos, Restoration-era playwrights, and the Byzantine Empire, among hundreds of other topics
Person 1: What a fucking nerd

by whogivesafuck69 August 28, 2019

Rizz Quiz

A test of your rizz. Essentially practicing your rizz by approaching a girl you sort of like and using all the rizz you know.
The rizz quiz includes several steps and topics, ranging from:
- cold approach rizz
- conversation game
- number getting
- text game
- flirting
The rizz quiz is assesed by whether you have succeeded in going out on a date with her or not. If you go on a date, you pass the rizz quiz. If not, you have failed and need to study up your rizz again. Passing the rizz quiz can reward you with a girlfriend. If you fail, you can learn from your L rizz and study for the next rizz quiz.

Tyler: Damn, whats Kevin doing talking to Sarah?
Kevin: He's testing his rizz in the rizz quiz right now. He just failed on the number getting test, and is gonna have to restart.

by pro raceist March 1, 2023

Nigger quiz

When African Americans refer to any test they take as simply a quiz.

Jamals ma: did you take the GRE?
Jamal: fuck no I ain't takin that shit.
Jamals ma: what the fuck, jamahh? You ain't doing grad scoo?
Jamal: hell no I'm finished. Fuck that nigger quiz.
Jamals ma: ok jus makin sure. You want Lees chicken?
Jamal: hell yes! Yum! Fucking yum!

by Jim rogers May 24, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo quiz

waste of time, dont ever do it.

dont take the emo quiz, its a waste of time.

by angry emo kid August 19, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quiz horny

When a teacher is really feeling in the mood to give a quiz to the point of being aroused. It being a quiz which will properly show you the fifty states.

John: I heard Mr. Smith is really quiz horny today.
Joe: Yeah he gave one out in my class that was a real doozy.

by hrufahrfha; November 22, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Impossible Quiz

the hellish hard quiz that is found on newgrounds and addictinggames
it has 110 questions and its very difficult

I went to the 47th question on the impossible quiz!

by howareyougentleman December 17, 2007

17๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž