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Rachael is brown haired , blue eyed beauty who is not afraid to stand out in any situation. She is a very strong and talented girl ho will kick someoneโ€™s ass if necessary.

did you see Rachael today

by Cupcakerino February 7, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best girl you'll ever meet. She is beautiful on the inside as well as out. She may not be the first girl to catch your eye, but is defiantly the funniest in the room. When you get to know her, she will make you smile everyday. Rachael is one of the best people to form a relationship with, because she will never let you down or betray you. She has the most beautiful eyes, like that of a cows. Big brown and you can easily get lost in them. If you get a chance to meet her, take it she will change your life. She is very quiet and shy at first, but once you get to know her she is the most amazing person to know and be friends with.

Dude 1: hey did u see that girl?

Dude 2: yah, Rachael is so smart. I wish she was my girlfriend!

by aserdfcvghjmkloiujhji9876t5 March 9, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful, intelligent, wise beyond average, women. She has no drama going up to you and start talking about her day knowing youโ€™ll listen even though youโ€™re an absolute stranger. No drama going up to you and make friends with you even though no one else will. No drama meeting new people and starting a life-long friendship in the weirdest way possible. Rachaelโ€™s nice, outgoing and adventurous, she may look tough on the outside. But sometimes, sheโ€™s broken inside. Sheโ€™s an artistic, creative person who can create art using toilet paper if she had too! Sheโ€™s beautiful inside and out, but careful, you say one bad thing to her friend and you start running to Antarctica. But once she gets left or rejected, she slowly falls apart.

Rachael stood up for you today, I swear that guy peed himself.
Rachael is so good at art.

Damn, Rachael looking fine today.
Iโ€™m glad to call Rachael my best friend!

by Thunderlightning. February 23, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


aka Ray. An extremely hot girl, who constantly sounds like she's high and that everybody loves for no particular reason. Rachael has no best friends, yet a lot of people consider her their best friend. She is also the best neighbor anyone could ever ask for! In addition, she is faithful to her friend Noa and will love her for ever and ever.

Sarah:"I love Rachael! She is my best friend!"
Ilan:"Awks for you, she's my best friend"
Michal:"You'd like that wouldn't you? well suck it cuz shes mine!"
Rachael:"Calm down everybody.. we all know I'm Noa's"

by ILoveRay November 28, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rachael. She's smart but on and average scale, well she tries to be. Shes humble and hates to be the center of attention. Sweet girl but feisty as hell. She hates liars and two faced people. She is strong in more ways than one. She can fight well but would rather just tell the people where to go and how to get there. She has a hell of an attitude but respects the people who respect her. She loves music and other arts with such a deep burning. She has a beautiful singing voice and is a skilled artist. Shes also an actor. Shes average height at about 5'6" with ever changing hair color (mostly consisting of browns and reds. Has been blue and other colors), she has brown and green eyes that are flecked with gold (green outside and brown inside. you just have to look closely to see the green.), she isn't super skinny. She has a little bit of chubbiness on her stomach and thighs but she has toned muscle under it. She has an amazing ass and a nice set of boobs. She has a heart shaped face with plump lips and a straight nose. She has a little birthmark on the right side of her face under the corner of her lips by about an inch. She has glasses. Her nose, belly button, ears (6 in each) and her Monroe pierced and has a small little music bird tattooed on her left hip. Over all shes a little weird but completely lovable even if she seems a little rough around the edges

Guy 1:" Dude look at her ass.. like dammmnnn. She seems a little stuck up."
Guy 2: "Bro, that's Rachael. She's like the sweetest girl in the school."
Guy 1:" Ohhhhh thats her? damn she's hotter than they said"

by SooooooooooFuck..... June 8, 2014

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Legendary

2) An awesomely legendary girl who likes to watch amazing TV shows and listen to epic music.

3) Crazy girl who likes to act as President with Selin as her Vice President.

Girl A: Drunk Leonard's gonna be back on TV, he's so Rachael.
Girl B: Not as Rachael as drunk Sheldon.
Girl A: ...Very true.

by ErinPhoenix101 July 29, 2010

39๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


A blonde, hot, sexy girl. She's smart, but yet has her blonde moments. She's the girl that everyone loves, and all the girl that all the guys fall for. Her boyfriend is the luckiest man on earth. Her eyes are breathtaking, her hair is long and beautiful, and her figure- Oh man, she is just the right weight, (maybe a little skinnier). Her smile is so sexy, and she makes everyone smile when she walks. Every girl wants to be her, and she makes every girl jealous, meanwhile, so has so many friends.

Wow, I love Rachael! She's so hot, sexy and beautiful!

Man, I wish I was Rachael, she attracts all the guys!

by Mira746 July 8, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž