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Ramona Flowers'd

When an individual claims to have moved from a past relationship but in fact goes back to their ex, leaving their current partner lost and confused. Eventually leading their ex-current partner to fight for their affection in some way or form.

Guy: Wait, did Max and Cindy break up?
Girl: he totally got Ramona Flowers'd
Guy: So he's still fighting for her?

Girl: Yea.

by GxKaijin May 28, 2014

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La Ramona

Some tweenage gurl who lives in Brazil and refused to migrate due to her pussy stanking too much, stank up ALL of 4th Jebendia, also a Billie Eillish fangurl and a member of the LGBQIA+.

(Gnatty) hey have you seen La Ramona around?
(Ted Kaczynski but retarded) no, who is that?

by Jsminey0688525 December 4, 2021

ramona madness

A term of endearment used by asian women 2 describe their experiences with american lesbians.this is typically found on college campuses on the east coast.

Kym was in a complete state of ramona madness when she remembered what she did the night before

by chachaddict April 15, 2009

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an ugly little slut that’s super weird and usually v short, dark hair, ugly ass smile and hella terrifying laugh. her ugly ass might make you

1. faint
2. have nightmares
3. suicide
4. lose your line of sight
5. scream

wow look at Ramona, she looks like a troll

by pickled barbie December 9, 2018

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Ramona Flowers

When you cum all over a bouquet of flowers and give it to your significant other, a truly deep form of affection.

I gave my boss some Ramona Flowers after hearing the loss of his daughter.

by Stone love January 5, 2022

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ramona gray

A dirty bitch who talk shit on everyone and mooches off them for drugs tbh stay away from a ramona they ain’t worth your time and they will make your life shity asf

Oh you kno ramona gray im sorry

by Fakehoesaintforme September 20, 2020

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Ramona Flowers Effect

Based on the song by negativexp, β€œScott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women,” the Ramona Flowers Effect is when a woman dyes her hair bright colors and dresses edgy, listens to depressing music, and acts annoying, including, but not limited to, hating men, sleeping around, bragging about body count, cheating, being loud, and arrogance.

Person 1: β€œDude, what happened to Erin? She used to be so fun to hang out with.”

Person 2: β€œI don’t know, I think it was the Ramona Flowers Effect.”

by Locarpus July 14, 2020

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