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ro-man-tic-al (n) kisses from james wilkie to jayden james.

it's romantical the way you feel when he cups your face and kisses your lips, giving you all of his soul in that moment. then he pulls back and looks deep into your eyes, willing to take anything you give.

by jaydenjaybroderick March 1, 2008

3πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

hopeless romantic

A hopeless romantic has a larger heart then others, being more prone to a broken heart then the regular person. They are in love with the idea of being loved and loving back. They are NOT made for today’s standards, as they believe in the little things about true love, fairy tales, and chivalry, and truly believe that there is only one person out there for them. They get attached quickly, but they are genuinely the best boy/girl friend you could have. They are loving, caring people who give their 100%, expecting full return. They often dream of who they will spend the rest of their life with, and romanticizing what the two of them will do together. They dream to be romanced with sweet simple things and thoughtful surprises, and just want someone to care for them and hold them, and tell them everything will be okay.

a hopeless romantic is one who romanticizes about their partner and their future together

by elizabethh roosee April 24, 2020

2917πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Hopeless Romantic

A definition of a Hopeless Romantic can be typed for pages really. These people have larger hearts than the rest of us. They tend to get hurt more than the regular person. It's sad to say that now and a days the romantics hide or they just lose their touch with being a Hopeless Romantic. We live in a time where everyone is hurting each other and everyone is scared to give their 100%. Hopeless Romantics don't make themselves known very often for that reason. Hopeless Romantics will give more than 100% to a relationship. They look at their partners as something that will has never been made before; that their partner was made just for them. They get hurt because of this but they remain hopeful. Hopeful that one day they find someone for them. It's also sad to say sometimes the hope dies. I honestly think they are one of the most pure things left on this planet.

If you're going to love, please give it you're all. Every ounce inside of you should go to someone.

She's a hopeless romantic. That's why she has hope that he'll go to her.

by bleachmydude November 3, 2017

3187πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

romantically frustrated

A person who is generally stressed out and frustrated of being single, or as a result of the absence of a partner. Not to be confused with sexual frustration.

Signs of the romantically frustrated include a strong need to cuddle, touch, hug and hold. Other signs include chewing ice, eating chocolate, peeling labels off of bottles, and watching romantic movies such as "The Notebook."

I am so romantically frustrated right now, I just want to meet a guy/girl who likes me back...


Why am I this romantically frustrated? I would just like to cuddle and talk about useless things...

by joachimt February 13, 2014

87πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A grey-romantic (gray-romantic) is a person with a romantic orientation that is somewhere between aromantic and romantic.

For example, a gray-romantic may:
-Experience romantic attraction but not very often.
-Experience romantic attraction, but not desire romantic relationships.
-Desire relationships which are not quite platonic and not quite romantic.

One type of gray-romantic is called demiromantic.

Demiromantics do not experience primary romantic attraction for a person, but are capable of experiencing secondary romantic attraction after forming an emotional connection.

Gray-romantics may also prefix a gender orientation to the label, as in "Gray-heteroromantic". See AVEN (asexuality.org) for more info.

I'm grey-romantic. I rarely have a crush, but when I do I'm not interested in a romantic relationship.

by Mystrangehaven September 12, 2014

317πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

romantic attraction

Romantic attraction is difficult to define, as it is made up of many components. The two most distinguishable components are (1) limerance, aka obsessive thoughts about wanting to be near one's crush, to find out their interests, having a "butterflies in stomach" feeling, etc., and (2) a desire to form a romantic relationship, aka wanting to be another's girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, to go on dates and do other romantic-coded activities (e.g. kissing, although not everyone sees kissing as romantic, celebrating Valentine's Day), etc.

For alloromantic people, limerance often leads to a desire to form a romantic relationship, but someone who identifies as grayromantic may experience one without experiencing the other. An aromantic person does not experience romantic attraction. A quoiromantic person may feel that the concept of romantic attraction is inapplicable, or they may not be able to distinguish romantic attraction from other forms of attraction.

Mary identifies as grayromantic because she rarely experiences romantic attraction.

by kernsing August 3, 2018

71πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Hopeless Romantic

A person that has good genuine intentions. Modern day romance is hell for them. They seek a person that is real and seeks true love. They want a family together and wish to remain together. They get hurt easily because they carry their heart on their sleeves, but despite this, they never loose hope of finding the love of their life. They like the feeling of being in love because it’s their natural high but know that they’ll end up hurt in the end. They typically like love songs and romantic movies. They’re also very romantic (obviously).

Person 1: *sigh* I wish I wasn’t such a hopeless romantic.

by β˜† Royal Shyness β˜† April 2, 2019

116πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž