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a word that is technically not real but is too good not to be real. sound quality: amazing, phenomenal. used in every single scenario in existence without needing a reason. meaning is completely subjective - means anything and everything. verb, noun, adjective, adverb, etc.

- What is your favorite word?
- Ronk.
- Wtf is ronk?
- Idk, but I like the sound of it. Ever since i tried to use it in weaver, it's just stuck in my head.

by dugile September 23, 2022


smartest man who is not only advisor to any source of income and is very popular in the well known group of monkeys (monkey cult)

ronk is the smartest man in the world

by bruhskiithe1st July 27, 2021


A place only accessed through psychedelic experience. The term is another form of expressing the peak of a tab.

Bowlsworth: Do you have your ticket to ronk city?
Gabe: Ubers in 5

by Johnny223 December 9, 2022