a better way to easily remember wing parity algs by using the power of intonation and speech. So for example, let us take the algorithm commonly used to solve the UFr BUr parity case: l’ U2 l' U2 M' U2 l' U2 l U2 r' U2 l2.
l’ U2 would be pronounced “latoo”, using the a in “part” and the ui in “fruit”, with the emphasis on the “la” syllable.
Similiarly, M’ U2 would be pronounced “matoo”.
l U2 however, to differentiate it from l’ U2, would be less emphasised on the “la” syllable.
l2 would be the same as l u2, but the emphasis would be on the last syllable.
Other common notation can easily be extrapolated from what I have described here.
Rubix Cube parity algorithm notation
l’ U2 would be pronounced “latoo”, using the a in “part” and the ui in “fruit”, with the emphasis on the “la” syllable.
Similiarly, M’ U2 would be pronounced “matoo”.
Veste: Teddy bear and Ruben code
Ruben: I would be rubix cube
Rubix cubes are cube that you can turn, solve and scramble.
Rubix cubes are used by turning sides until its scrambled, and then you try to unscramble it or solve it.
Something that will make you rage for the rest of your life until you solve it.
Guy: Hey did you buy a rubix cube?
Oh hey I like your rubix cube. Oh thanks
A Faustian Rubix is a menagerie of multiple things that if engaged within the wrong way have the effect not unlike being on the wrong end of a deal with the devil. It is also said to be a situation in which a person makes multiple incorrect assumptions or accusations of a person, which over time destroys their credibility and makes them a laughing stock. Attempting to solve a Faustian Rubix is a definition of such a situation.
Alternatively, it could also mean a creative wellspring of ideas that never seems to end, or with a perfectionist streak. Some of these ideas may have a dark undertone or sinister twist.
The author's mind was a Faustian Rubix of ideas..all manner, shape and size. When they finally got finished, the end result was sinister but satisfying.
They tried to label the man as an Adversary, as an evil alien, and as an employee of evil aliens. They tried to solve the Faustian Rubix and they lost what credibility they had remaining.
a nerd that has a collection for rubixes
see that absolute nerd that rubixes!? that’s a rubix cwuz if i have ever seen one!