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Saggin Baggs

Short for Sagrofiven Money Baggs, Esquire. The alter ego of someone who imagines get rich quick schemes and whose full name means Minister Mother****ing Cash Sacks. Henchmen of Twitch in Twitchs Crew.

Oh Sh** its Saggs;
Saggin Baggs?
Im Talkin about the Sagrofiven Money baggs, Muh Fa**o!!!

by Saggs February 4, 2008

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Saggin diputs

first lets examine this word before I define it read it backwards now this is in no way a racist term but in turn a phrase that identifies all ignorant , dumb , retarded , people I made this word up as slang to point out said people to those who I have told of this phrase so in turn this phrase originates from the term stupid niggas but my term is not meant to be a racial term but a term that describes all dumbasses of the world

Person 1: john just gave me his car for two days just so he didnt have to take me two work

Person 2: wow what a saggin diputs

by WoundingBlaze87 August 4, 2009

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wonk saggin

1. when the balls on a man sag down

Yo my wonk saggin down to me knees!!!

by franke March 17, 2006

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Old-hoe Saggins

Taken from the popular "Lord of the Rings" character Frod Baggins, Old-hoe Saggins is what you refer to an older lady whose boobs are drooping

I went to that party last night, and it was just full of Old-hoe saggins!

by Mikey T December 17, 2004

4👍 12👎

Jew saggin

When an old Jew has a saggy nutsack

Anna: yo Otto stop Jew saggin mother fucker

by Hardcorenutslap666911 November 16, 2017