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samoan splash

Diving into a pit of the hottest instagram models

How the hell do you expect us to samoan splash into that pit, we will die of about 15 bone fractures.

by February 11, 2020

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Samoan Splash

It's when you dive into a deep pit in which hot naked Instagram models reside

Dude I just did the sickest Samoan splash, there is blood everywhere!

by Mr Pete williams February 12, 2020

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Samoan Clock

To snap a boner and turn it like a clock.

'My girlfriend gave me a samoan clock last night. Now I can't fuck her for weeks!'

by Kinkyshitm8 March 31, 2015

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Samoan sauna

When you lay in a bathtub with the water running and proceed to shit, puke and piss at the same time.

I was so hung over, I had to take a samoan sauna.

by TheLambOfGod April 23, 2018

Samoan sideloader

A version of a mini bus (aka any green tarago) versatile so it can get in underground carparks and take the family to church every Sunday.

That's a hectic samoan sideloader

by Canned spaghetti November 19, 2022

Samoan Women

Samoan women are usually very loving and mother like. They are some of the best women to talk to when you have a problem. They are loyal and trustworthy. Most are super protective of there loved ones, friends and people in need. they love to help when they can and are very fun and chill to be around. Samoan women will get angry but only if A DUMB ASS has something shitty to say or do to them or there loved ones. Some people like to exaggerate about how mean or angry they can get......dude...alot of people are like that....not just samoans :P

Samoan women, Im a samoan beauty

by free samoan hugs <33 April 23, 2010

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samoan sidestep

From rugby union and to a lesser extent, rugby league. Term used to describe the player with the ball running into, then over the top of, the man trying to make the tackle.

Commentator: "And Caucau passes off to Robinson! And Robinson bursts through the line! A quick dummy and there's only Taylor to beat! And... OH! A storming samoan sidestep and its a try!!! And the stretcher's coming on for Taylor."

by runbytheground December 15, 2008

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