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Sandra is one of the most amazing girl you could ever meet or go out with, she is intelligent, funny, sweet, cute and pretty in less words Gorgeous. Althought she does have some minor defects. Sandra tends to make decisions to quick, with out even thinking of the the future, and that might make her life harder. But also she is a very passionate worker and knows how to get back up is she falls. She is the type of person that has a beautiful voice, and amazing body. You might just be the most lucky person in the world if you have a person with the name of Sandra. And if youh do have a Sandra in your life don't let her go, I know it might be difficult because she might be undecided and sometimes might listen to other people and make decisions to quick but still you should fight for her, and try to keep her with you. A good advice 'just be patient with her'

I had a girl name Sandra, and I just wish I could get her back, because even thought she made bad decisions and listened others instead of me. I do love her, and I've never ever lied to her.

by Sandra lover October 24, 2011

265๐Ÿ‘ 368๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Girl That Is Beautiful In Character And Body. She Usually Falls In Love With A Wonderful Guy And Hope He Loves Her Same. She Hates Losing Important People In Her Life.

Damn Such Beauty And Character...She Must Be A Sandra

by Ghost Aunty 1 April 22, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most beutiful girl in the world. she's the perfect in everyway and gorgouse as well. She is very sweet, beutiful, funny, HOT!, and the love of my life which my heart is given too.I LOVE YOU!

Sandra is perfect and is the girl i wish to marry one day

by Andrew Mora February 23, 2011

257๐Ÿ‘ 385๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Sandra is uncommonly talented, there are not enough adjectives to do her disposition justice. Sandra is known for being debonair. She has a graceful charm, one will grow to become addicted to her presence. Sandra is rare because its hard to find a women who is so open and real. If you have a Sandra in your life, appreciate her because she is truly divine.

I met Sandra while I was in the valley and although I live in Inglewood, we make this relationship work.

by Illmatic621 September 25, 2011

181๐Ÿ‘ 274๐Ÿ‘Ž


A few words to describe Sandra are:

- clumsy
- slightly insane
- kind and supportive
- just so great

- failing

- horse

- l'ensemble des prรชtres ou des responsables d'une religion.

You: Hi, Sandra

Sandra: HorseHorseHorseHorseHorse

by water bottle ottle February 13, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Well, what can I say about Sandra, she is the most amazing woman in the universe. She is my one, my soul-mate, and I am so glad to be with her. I love her with all my heart. I one day will marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.

Man, Eddie is so lucky, he is with Sandra.

by PiratexCracker May 16, 2012

137๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dumb joke.

"Dude, that was totally a Sandra."

"Ooh, tubular, that's pretty Sandra."

by SarcasticSlab May 17, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž