Santino is a boy that says su sis al the time and loves gta but loses to magic all the time bc magic is a god
hes one sexy lad that really catches your eye, mostly his smile. ever see one of these bitches u will crush him for a loooong time and bitch i tell you u would honestly be the luckiest person ever if u meet someone with an amazing smile and is attractive as a santino. they also have a sexy dick and a calming voice. sports and games is their thing and loves and appreciates his friends as much as his family. hes tough most of the time but has a huge soft spot for people he loves most and if ever u date him... wow lucky you;)
woah santino kinda fine ngl
Santino is a massive nerd who pulls a lot of women with his big bushy hair(both the one on his head and on his cock). He has two younger brothers who look like Theo Turan Thatcher when compared to him, he also has a 1302 inch penis that penetartes everyone
Wow santino, I feel overpowered by that cock
Santino is a crazy boy who loves bikes And always goes back to the same girl more then once. But if you are he’s girlfriend be prepared for him so always be by your side and if someone is messing with u go to him
Max: Santino should stop going back to the same girl
Sam: I know like I want a chance with her.
Complete f*** boy and never moves on from the same girl and he is really protective of his girlfriend is she get hit but is he other friend is getting killed he won’t care
I hate that kid Santino he is so protective of his new girlfriend
Santino is a very cute guy. He has perfect blue eyes and a beautiful smile. He is athletic and has many friends. He is also smart inside and outside of school. He is also good with girls.
Have you seen Santinos eyes, they’re perfect