Source Code

Side Scanner

A person who has an eye that looks away from the direction that the other eye is looking. For example, a person's left eye is looking forward while the right eye is looking to the right. Some people also have the ability to change which eye is the side scanner. Not to be confused with someone who is crosseyed or middle scanner.

The guy at the drive thru window was a side scanner. He was looking at us and the car behind us...at the same time!

by JibSS September 30, 2010


WOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Holy shit man! That was crazy! That was awesome! That is insane! What the hell, I.... Is that what a "cronenberg" is? Like a reference to the director? That's crazy dawg wow! That contents of that movie that is on Hbo Max are insane!

Hym "Holy shit we're like a 'scanners'! We're like a Benjamin Pierce! Except not crazy! And not dead! And stronger than the main character!"

Iam "You my entire life, when people make reference to scanners, I have been conflating it with 'a scanner darkly' and I couldn't see what all the fuss was about but holy shit man! That was insane!"

Hym " 'A scanner darkly'!? I remember we thought 'What is the fucking point of all this' when we watched it."

by Hym Iam February 27, 2023