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scrambled ginger

Used to call someone a nigger because β€œginger” rearranged is nigger. This term can also be used to describe a black ginger.

See him? Yes, the brown carrot top over there. He’s a scrambled ginger.

by Blackgingie March 2, 2020

Ham Scramble

The desperate attempt to tuck your junk back into your pants or under the covers after your mother walks in on you masturbating and giving yourself a hearty wanking.

Frank: Hey brahhhh! Why the long face?
Carl: Bad morning. I was giving myself of good old fashioned wank this morning before school and well.......mom walked in on me.
Frank: Were you able to Ham Scramble?
Carl: No. She handed me a tissue and walked out.

by Eaton Holgoode August 21, 2015

scrambled porn

The kind of porn you watch when you were in your early teens because you were too afraid of getting caught look at porn on the internet. Usually the spice channel or playboy late at night on a basic cable box. The screen would fuzz in and out of clear pictures where you could see the people clearly but all wierd colors and usually no sound(mind didn't).

I watched scrambled porn for 2 years before I got the courage to look at porn on the computer.

by I'm watching you wank August 26, 2006

183πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

calf scramble

big mess; i.e. clusterfuck. In many rodeos, there is often a calf scramble competition, where a herd of calves and a larger horde of teenagers are let loose in a ring. The teens try to catch, halter, and coax the calf into an area in the ring. Catching a calf usually wins you money towards the purchase of an animal to raise and return to the next year's stock show.

Joan: How's the P&G project?
Tom: We don't have data, the analysts are on vacation, and the client wants to move up the deadline. It's a total calf scramble right now.

by charliebrown0718 January 15, 2010

Kentucky scramble

The act of cracking an egg into a woman's vagina and fucking her so god damn hard that the friction and heat cooks the egg into nice, warm, delicious scrambled eggs.

"hey sweetie I'm really hungry"
"OK, want some scrambled eggs?"
"Lets go do a Kentucky scramble bitch"

by riybear July 1, 2015

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

scrambled guts

When You're Dick Is Deep In Her Pussy You Start Hitting Guts

Scrambled Guts:
Damn B, I Scrambled Her Guts Last Night.

by Savage_ralph #ShoutOutAri January 4, 2017

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Scrambled Porn

Porn that you just can't quite make out, but if you watch it real close, you may be able to make out a breast or two.

Man, I was watching some scrambled porn and could have sworn I saw either a breast or maybe it was a testicle, but whatever it was, it still got me aroused.

by TheCroatian February 2, 2009

81πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž