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Sexy mf

Sebas is a honest person who reserves 20 times more pussy then he already has. Trust me, he will blow them to pieces

by November 22, 2021


Persona con falta de cerebro la cual acompañado a su amigo homosexual Nico con el que hacernos aventuras sexuales todas las noches (es malísimo jugando)

Sebas la chupa como un maricón

by El Aron con cara fachera November 23, 2021


He is ugly in every way and can be nice some times but has the blackest heart ever and is mean and ugly and will never get a girlfriend and weak and all ways scearms rape

seba is the worst

by HI WAS UP November 4, 2019


Sebas can be a bit concerned at times. He's nice but also very weird. He gets all the girls.

Sebas being weird again.

by THS1337 January 31, 2017


A generally cool guy but really is a player but hides it so no one knows

Yeah have you seen Christian he’s being a total Sebas buy going out with Chloe and Charlotte.

by Papiperoennoche April 21, 2022


Some one that is always half chubbing and doesn’t get hard when it comes it it. And he does not lend his vape to anyone.

That guys really is a Sebas today.

by Rick slobber November 18, 2019


He's selfish, and all he does is try to be the best in everything he does. He thinks his mindset is the best of all. Shy at first, and breaking heart, so that's the reason we love knowing someone frienzoned him.

Oh who is that boy triying to impress everyone?

Oh he's just Sebas

by erikkkka November 22, 2021