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Tuba Section

The section of a school band generally known for not giving a shit.

Of course Daniel doesn't want to go to regional competition, he's in the tuba section.

by FemaleME95 December 23, 2010

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Pissing Section

The designated area in a public swimming pool for urine deposition. A plan just about as useful and effective as the current 'Open Up America' plan.

Hey, did you just drive all the way from New York to Alabama?
Hell yeah, they got waaaay too many sick folks up there. So we loaded up in the bus and hit the road, all 25 of us.
* this is Pissing Section logic, except urine isn't contagious and getting pissed on isn't fatal.

by YAWA May 7, 2020

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Flute Section

"the flutes are the best looking section, consisting of the loudest, outgoing, and most random people in the marching band, and are yet, the coolest."

"Dude check out that flute section, they're so cool! I wish I was them!"

by t0astyt0es May 24, 2009

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section 80

The title of Kendrick Lamar's second album.

Kendrick Lamar: "What Should I name my second album?"
Homie Next To Him: "How about... Section 80?"
Kendrick Lamar: "Hmm... What does it mean?"
Homie Next To Him: "It's like for the homies that are 10x poorer than those section 8 homies."

by Jack Robertsons September 23, 2013

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The comments section

Basically one can be wholesome and people can be peaceful but one can be no man’s land where there is drama and fighting.

The comments section became no man’s land after drama with a YouTuber

by The cheek freak from Mars April 30, 2022

Adolescent Section

A big somewhat happy family, filled with trolls, regulars and DRAMA. But very entertaining.

Submitted by koolaidkid

Koolaidkid: "I'm going to yahoo answers"
randomperson: "What section do you go on"
Koolaidkid " The Adolescent section"
randomperson: "Oh that section is very entertainin, I'll join you"
Koolaidkid: " Okay"

by Koolaidkid_johanna August 5, 2009

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Herb section

A patch of herpes sores.

"Herb, in some accents, can sound similar to "herp", which is a slang shortened version of the word "herpes". A herb section is usually used to refer to a section of the garden where herbs are grown. People often use the word "garden" to refer to their pubic hair. Therefore "herb section" is in reference to the genital area and "herb" is a discreet version of saying "herp". It is a way to not draw attention when speaking on the subject in public.

Bro 1: "Dude I noticed you took a hot girl home from the bar last night! Did you get lucky?"
Bro 2: "Naw dawg, as soon as I took her clothes off I noticed she had a nasty herb section so I pretended to be too nauseous from binge drinking because I didn't wanna hit it."

"I think my boyfriend is cheating. I got a herb section!"

by eilan427 August 30, 2019

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