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1) Discrimination based on one's gender.

2) Something that is rampant on this website. Many assholes on the site confuse feminists (who strive for women's rights) with radical feminists (who just hate all men).

3) Something women have had to suffer from since the dawn of mankind. Men can suffer mild forms of it too, but it is more common to women.

Look up "feminism" "females" or "women's rights" at urbandictionary.com and you will find definitions laced with sexism.

by pseudonym#235463 December 13, 2009

407๐Ÿ‘ 2335๐Ÿ‘Ž


Discrimination on a person because of their sex. Usaully on women. Caused a lot by macho males that view women as "sex object". Rap is a major contributor to it right now. As well as rich people like Paris Hilton who didn't do anything to get rich and think they deserve all that money. They also used that money to get plastic surgery which has now created an unrealistic standard for women. I don't get it though cause I think they look ugly with all that botox. Respect women they're people too.

"Sexism is the most important of all the ism."

by Rusty Shakelfurd August 31, 2006

376๐Ÿ‘ 2369๐Ÿ‘Ž


A discriminative attitude grounded on the gender criteria, and more specifically -our society being still what it is- a discriminative attitude towards women.

Sexism is the last pathetic reflex of declining patriarcal masculinity. Violent and stupid, or soft and systemic, sexism remains sexism...

by Ysengrim January 2, 2004

309๐Ÿ‘ 2324๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that should stop no matter who its against.

Whether you are a man or a woman, if you support sexism, YOU NEED HELP!!!!!!!

by jdacurle September 27, 2014

122๐Ÿ‘ 1691๐Ÿ‘Ž

reverse sexism

Not a thing. If you judge someone based entirely on their sex; it's just plain old sexism.

Sometimes used to suggest that sexism can only go one way (say, males can only be sexist against females) and that if a male experiences sexism it's not really sexism; it's reverse sexism. Or the opposite of sexism.

This is designed to downplay or justify the sexism the male is experiencing.

As a term, reverse sexism is as realistic as reverse theft. A Klan member may suggest that if a white person steals from a black person it's reverse theft.

I understand that you are being denied access to the domestic violence shelter because you're a man, but that's NOT sexism; it's only reverse sexism.

by SirSkeptic October 29, 2013

149๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


To make fun of someone because they can not do sex really good or they won't have sex with them because of there ugly looks.

EX1: I will not have sex with kelly, she stinks at sex

EX2: That girl is ugly I won't have sex with her

by Coney Jung May 31, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 354๐Ÿ‘Ž

reverse sexism

There is no such this as 'reverse sexism' towards men; it's just called sexism, plain and simple. Women can be sexist to men too, whether you like it or not, so just learn to accept it.

Moron: When a woman is sexist to a man, it's called reverse sexism.

Person with common sense: Nope, it's just called sexism.

by psycarrot November 21, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž