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britney shears

A bald-headed woman (in reference to Britney's chrome dome).

Dude did you see that britney shears walk by? Yeah, she was hella sexy!

by Trendman March 22, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

cow shears

Thing that Homebase don't sell

I'll stop being a vegetarian when Homebase sell cow shears

by Pedant tic May 3, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty shearing

When a bloke blows his load all over your feet during sex standing up in public toilets

I had a bloke pull a dirty shearing on me last night while we were out downtown and I loved it! No chances of me being pregnant now

by Sendit69style February 10, 2019

Dalton Shears

Weak ass fuckboy that doesn't know how to treat a girl. With his tiny, microscopic dick, he makes girls run away at the scene. No one wants him and he can't please anybody with his tiny dick.

Dalton Shears- usually a fuckboy with a tiny ass dick

by Yo Girl Forever... With Love February 7, 2017

shearing the sheep

The term used for shaving your loved ones back.

"Hey Jane what were doing last night?"

"Oh Just shearing the sheep, Bobby really needed it!"

by Crazy Red Head in TX September 10, 2009

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Shearing the sheep

Shaving pubic hair/Brazilian waxing. Used predominantly by Indian FOBs.

"When you go to the beauty parlour, make sure you're shearing the sheep the too. Your husband doesn't want to knit a sweater."

by agentbb February 28, 2015

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cow shears

Esoteric rural impedimenta

"I think we need some cow shears"
"Oh, ok, I'll check with Catrin"

by Xtreme Pedant May 2, 2005

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