When you get chocolate ice cream and it looks like when you shit and there’s corn in it but u get 10 scoops of it because it’s the trend
*walks in a ice cream restaurant*
I’ll take the finest scoop out ya poop shoot
The act of putting 2 Pringles in your mouth to create a duck bill. You then have someone else poop into the open mouth of the Pringles creating a shitty Pringle sandwich which is then consumed by both parties involved.
Peter gently placed the Pringles in his mouth as to not crack them and began to flap his arms and quack like a duck. Demetri then instructed him to lay down and began to defecate in the open end of the Pringles performing the Pringle Poop Shoot, creating a corn filled chocolate Pringle sandwich which they both sat down and eat together staring deeply into each others eyes.
A dogs poop shoot has two functions, one of which is to poop, the other one is that it can be used as a reset button if your dog is having issues.
Joe: Dude, I think my dog is about to die... it's having heart problems.
Yuri: Nah bro, if you just press your dog poop shoot, it will reset and be fine again.
Joe: Thanks bro!!