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a generic term for underpants or knickers very common in Liverpool U.K.

my skids are killing me,

I'm going to rip my girlfriends skids off when I get home, there killing me.

Hey shitty arse change yer skids.

by Jim Fortress January 20, 2006

26πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


a person whose has no positive qualities, and is horrible at everything he tries, lives by stealing and any attempts to help or offer assistance to this individual is misconstrued and ultimately tries to take the person who offers assistance down with him. Has no money and lies to himself about how things are supposed to work out, with the very far fetched fairytale like stories he tries to make true, even though he ultimately is the ultimate failure.

JAY ZONE- self employed and loving it (translation -self unemployed, stealing and a SKID)

by jayzonethebiggestskidinvancity September 21, 2011

15πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A teenager who is associated with β€œthe bad crowd.” They typically smoke cigarettes, drink, and mostly enjoy smoking weed. If they do other drugs they may be classified as a druggie skid. They are typically dressed in all black, black hoodie, and black jeans. And their favourite shoes are black and white chequered vans.

If I were you, I would mess with Ryan, I hear he’s quite a β€˜skid’
Well I mean you can smell the weed Smell a mile away.

by SlimmKilla October 2, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Verb form of being 'hacked' by a script kiddie

No Greg the CIA didn't hack you it sounds like you used a stupid password and got skidded on.

by derpy_hooves August 11, 2011

19πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A General insult pertaining to any person, place, and/ or thing. It generally is used in the place of a adjectives such as : crappy, messy, gross.

"Wow, look at that skiddy car"
"Wow, you're such a skid"

by megsmess410 November 9, 2007

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A person, usually male, who is greasy in either body or spirit.

guy 1: "So Gerald made out with that 14 year old last night,"
guy 2: " isn't he 24? damn, what a skid"

by chubbybearrrr December 27, 2008

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Truely a Canadian definition:
Skids are those dirty bags who hang around in the darkest, dirtiest corners of the school raving about who they want to kill the most because they cant fit into society. Although the acronym may lead some to believe they are truely street kids, skids have homes and most likely families to go home to so choosing to be nasty is their own fault.

Hey, Johnny, I heard that fat slob skid over there wants to kill you, I think he's also the one that slashed your tires cause everything you have is better than his.

by MseatonH March 12, 2005

340πŸ‘ 616πŸ‘Ž