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Snapchat is a teenager rated social media app that is very overrated. It is related to other social media apps, such as Instagram. On Snapchat, teens can 'snap', or post pictures of themselves and their friends using different filters, which is the basic use for Snapchat. However, a few problems with this is that anyone using Snapchat can find a users location and what times they use Snapchat. Many people can find this very stupid, as on different types of phones, there are different choices between if you can turn these off or not.

Person 1: "Hey, dude! I use Snapchat soooo much! It should be used more."
Person 2: "I know! Snapchat is great, but I hate how you can't turn your location off. It's annoying."

by Kihara Pseudonym January 13, 2019

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Some sick social media app allowing you to send pics or videos to people
Add up - kieranquinn

Add up my Snapchat - kieranquinn

by KieranQuinn June 7, 2017

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This is a snapchat filter that has officially offended me

It says "try it with a friend" but I have no friends...Thanks snapchat I now feel very defined

by stiggie February 4, 2017

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its probably the most popular social media platform for people ages 11-18 majority of middle school relationships will happen on here if your snapscore is over 100,000 your also a "hoe" even if you've had it for 4 years and have never slept with anyone. also half the people you add on here will send you d pics out of literally nowhere.

snapchat relationships:
snapping other girls/boys= cheater

over 100 streaks= cool asf
whats a snapchat realtionship like?
girl: heyy x
boy: hi
girl: i like you
boy: omg same
girl: so like can we date
boy: yesss
*never talks again or talks irl*

by i only speak factsss December 8, 2020

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The post tense in time of a Snapchat being sent or received.

Billy SnapChatted Erin a photo of his Dank.

"She SnapChatted me again last night, Gees she's ugly!"

by Earl Squirilsons June 13, 2013

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The verb form of using the application Snapchat.

Person 1: "Stop taking selfies! Don't you have enough pictures of yourself?"
Person 2: "I'm not, I'm snapchatting!"
Person 1: "Ohhh okay, carry on."

by KaoruTsukino December 21, 2014

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the most useless social media app.

"i use snapchat to send streaks and skip past all my friends stories"

by sxramii July 4, 2022