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dip your snickerdoodle in my coffee

An invitation for initializing a lesbian relationship

Hey, girl. We have been friends for years, and I am tired of guys. So can You dip your snickerdoodle in my coffee?

by Theconstant March 26, 2018

6👍 1👎


When someone wants to taste your food and they sneak it off your plate and they don’t tell you

Nick! Did you snickerdoodle my chocolate in the fridge!!

by Shrunkenpimp May 29, 2021


a word used when someone is wanting to swear, but instead saying snickerdoodles around their parents

oh, snickerdoodles!

by iggymans145 May 30, 2020


When you put a snickers bar into a girls anus, give it a few minutes to melt, and then have her shit it into your mouth.

Last night that bitch gave me a snickerdoodle but I'm allergic to peanuts so we used an almond snickers.

by Willowyouidiot696969 May 7, 2019


A word that means a person is a sellout and asshole.

That streamer is such a snickerdoodle

by TheShafter1 July 2, 2024


snickerdoodle is one of the greatest gifts you can receive in life. If you ever come across one in life, you have to be one of the luckiest people alive. she is ever so sweet and loving and cares very much for one's wellbeing. she will be there when you need it and also when you don't. she is an angel sent straight from the heavens for you and you only. she is one of your most prized possessions that you should never let go. her mere presence will sometimes make you cry of joy inside and bring you more pleasure than any other drug can. in the case you do let her go, she will never come back in your arms ever again, and leaves you with a feeling that you're dying, making you fall into a deep hole of depression and emptiness. don't bother thinking of chasing after snickerdoodle, it would be too late. the only thing you can do is either reminisce the past 3 years and dream of snickerdoodle almost every night or get over her somehow. if this were to happen, you will N E VE R be the same. WARNING: leaving snickerdoodle will leave you with serious damage towards mental health. this will eat you alive until you decide it's time to do something about it.

i used to know a snickerdoodle and i let go of her.

by dontquavious:/ June 29, 2024


Stupid fucking woman (🤮🤮) who deserves to be lynched

Snickerdoodle is a fucking rat bitch

by PenisBalls24 April 26, 2022