An individual with the same mentality as the goverment in the country he or she lives in; or in general the shape and behaviour of institutions of control and power aroung the world regardless of what 'flag' they present themselves with as religions, nations or 'unions' - makes his/hers own rules and concepts of right or wrong instead of accepting what the institution of control the individual lives under presents as behaviour he or she must follow.
Allt the traits associated with 'sociopaths' are accepted and always present in goverments or successful companies; but in individuals we can afford to despise and fear them with these traits since they are individuals and not a network that can be defined as an identifiable 'object' ; while with goverments we handle it by developing stockholm syndrome and telling ourselves the goverment is on our side. Often projecting the traits of goverment institutions on people psychiatry call 'Antisocial'; making criminals personilize the 'essence' of the system in control - as a way of escaping our real situation as it is in the 'civilized' world.
Hank is a sociopath in prison for trying to take control over his enviroment by force; therefore his goverment takes control over Hank via force thus manifesting the essence of the exact same drive.
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A person who is evil and will do what it takes to please theirselves,they act like they had a bad childhood or rough life to manipulate people into feeling sorry for them so they can have advantage over their victims,some are just plain mean as snakes,they can behave like other people to fit in,they are like wild animals going after their pray.
Charles Manson,John Wayne Gacey,Jack the Ripper,Most Mafia members.Fictional Sociopaths,Detective Shaker from Ransom,Tony Soprano,Victor Larue on Walker Texas Ranger,Vic Mackie on the Shield,Ivan Drago on Rocky 4.
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A term popularised by Queen Shane’s YouTube documentary ‘The Dark Side of Jake Paul’
A sociopath or psychopath is a person who lacks empathy and emotion. They will often go to extreme lengths for power and money.
It’s important to understand that a sociopath will do anything to fit in even if it means faking emotions by copying those around them. They will mask their true selves with an extroverted and understanding personality. The fact that they have mastered the art of manipulation and acting means they are almost impossible to diagnose.
A sociopath often has these traits:
When spotting a sociopath you will often have to think of your closest friends. If you are a very forgiving and loyal person you are more likely to have a sociopath as your friend as they tend to target people like this.
Sociopaths will manipulate people and use them as pawns to get what they want
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someone who is just more savage.
Logan Paul is a sociopath with sociopathic tendencies.
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What society says you are if you don't go along with what society says.
Person A: Did you just double-dip that chip??
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: You're not allowed to do that!!
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: Sociopath!!!
Person B: Bite me.
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An individual who is antisocial because he breaks SOCIAL NORMS which either land him in prison, or result in his exploitation and abuse of others at their expense for his or her personal gain. A sociopath may or may not have a criminal record, he may or may not be sadistic, but some also have that tendency. However, they often have a few key traits. . .
They are extremely charming, manipulative, conning as they can lie and lure people, acting as their friends and then hurting them later on.
They have less guilt or remorse due to heavy abuse, lack of concience, low serotonin levels in the brain and often acting out their whole life as a normal person when they really see people as pawns on the chessboard.
They are compulsive liars and will act as a terminator, saying what they believe the victim wishes to hear, telling a victims family before an execution that the death was accidental, they are innocent, telling psychologists that the other guy did it or denying allegations.
They are often sneaky, secretive and clandestine in their persona. For example, many sociopaths will bring a gun into a store to rob the place, sneak drugs in their clothes and other various items they clearly know is illegal because they do not want to get arrested.
Many have explosive tempers, bouts of anger and no impulse control. They have abused alcohol, cocaine, pornography and frequent strip joints and rough bars where they will throw their fist in a split second over little things, they may rape a stripper in the VIP cuz they dont have control over their impulses or becuase they want to dominate and control the woman due to their lack of regard for others.
They are EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE PEOPLE. By this i mean that sociopaths will stalk, predatorize and pursue their goals very extensively, manipulating a chick they know to spend time with they can rape them and smother them with a pillow and put them in a suitcase and drag it out the door at 3AM where they clearly know safe spots to dispose of them, OFTEN SAYING DISPARGING AND HOSTILE REMARKS AND GOING OUT OF THEIR WAY TO SABOTOGUE ANYONE WHO ANGERS THEM, dominating things and bullying others to get what they want.
Sociopaths can have severe trouble in a relationship, but its not always the case. They can have trouble making friends, but some are extremely caristhmatic and conning. A 19 year old man who dropped out of hs and left juve will often have friends, but these people may also be sociopaths or buddies of theirs who are unaware of their lifestyle due to the secrecy and mentality of their offenses. NOT ALL SERIAL KILLERS AND MASS MURDERERS ARE SOCIOPATHS SOME MAY BE SADISTIC OR BORDERLINE OR PSYCHOTIC OR OTHER PERSONALITY DEFECTS
(wade) in river wild, Ted Bundy, Danny Rolling, Richard Ramirez, Mike Tyson, Marcas Wesson, Scott Peterson, Judy Buenoano, Suge Knight, John Wayne Gacy, the kidnapper cop in Ransom, Charles Mansen, Jack the Ripper, Lizzy Borden are all sociopaths and many villians in movies are specifically portrayed as sociopaths
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A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means.
Charles Manson
Chris Mellish
Ted Bundy
All three are sociopaths
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