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easy peasy lemon squeezy

slang phrase (from an old British detergent commercial) used to express that something was quickly and easily done.

the claim processes was easy peasy lemon squeezy

by nick_f November 4, 2009

1247πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

Easy peasy lemon squeezy

When an event or an action is uncommonly unchallenging to execute or to obtain.

When I found the tools, fixing the bike was easy peasy lemon squeezy

by Dorkus van Hooff June 20, 2015

239πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

easy peasy lemon squeezy


Easy peasy lemon squeezy kiddo

by Tinoser February 15, 2017

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

easy peasy lenin squeezy

A variant on the phrase "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy", which is a child's rhyming slang to indicate an easy task. However, this term is used specifically in reference to the violent overthrow of government, or in reference to the act of writing any text, pamphlet, paper, or book on such subjects.

1) "Comrade, are you ready to storm the Tsar's Winter Palace and install our protelariat government in place of this autocratic and outdated feudal monarchy?"
"Yes, comrade. It will be easy peasy lenin squeezy because they are all fat bourgeois pigs."

2) "Yo man, have you written that essay on Karl Marx yet?"
"No, but it should be easy peasy lenin squeezy, I've read the book twice already."

by Manish Melwani May 8, 2008

35πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Easy Peezy lemon squeezy

Easy Peezy lemon squeezy something is very easy!

β€œI can’t cut this pie” It’s okay, that’s easy Peezy lemon squeezy anyways.

by A coco June 30, 2022

jeezy peezy lemon squeezy

An expression used by huge dorks who are so hopeless that they think they are cool by saying it.

"UrbanDictionary doesn't have a definition for 'jeezy peezy lemon squeezy'?! jeezy peezy lemon squeezy!!"

"jeezy peezy lemon squeezy!! I don't say 'jeezy peezy lemon squeezy' too much!"

by NGE March 4, 2007

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Big squeezy

A fat nigga that spans a similar thing constantly or considered as a trash person at life


by Oh no it’s big squeezy March 12, 2019