Stalin was a hardass motherfucker who made the USSR into a major world power. And here is a little "fyi" for all of you ignorant pricks. Most of the countries who joined soviet union WANTED to join the Soviet Union, no force involved. You know why? Because Russia took up almost half of the motherfucking globe.Everybody knew that they sided with a powerfull ally.Remember the armenian genocide? Yeah, guess who saved their asses from the Turks. If it wasn't for Russia armenians would've been wiped out from the face of the earth.
Why do you think capitalists wanted Soviet Union to fall?
Because they couldn't stand the idea of another country being more powerfull then they are.And of course that's why they ranted about "oh communism is so evil". What's so evil about it? The idea behind communism is simple - "everybody is equal" Everybody gets the same privelages, no one is higher then someone else. When you were a middle class worker in Soviet Union at one time the goverment would GIVE you (for free) food, apartment, even a vacation. All of that for FREE, just because you were a hardworking citizen?
If you don't beleive me , research it... And now tell me, if you call that evil? Of course communism doesn't work perfectly in a human society because we haven't reached "that level" yet. But the idea is ideal.
And now take capitalism, if you want to talk about something evil. Capitalism depends on wealthy high class people, underminding the common folk. Therefore everybody is greedy and always wanting more and more. And that is how the system collapses.
Now back to Stalin...Yes he killed millions of his own people, yes he ruled with an iron fist but that had to be done in order to enforce law. Think about WW2, if Stalin would've been a little pussy and just said "Oh, okay you can fight if you want to don't really have to" - If that would've happened then the nazis would've taking over the whole Russia in a matter of months. Because think about it, without a strict leader, armies would've just surrendered. There would've been chaos everywhere.
But instead Stalin showed the nazis whos the boss and kicked their asses all the way to fucking Berlin.
Then came the aftermath of World War 2, I don't know if you guys know what it feels like when half of your country is laying in ruins but that's what happened to Russia. Half of the country just wiped out. Do you think all of that would ever been rebuilt if people wouldn't get of their asses? Because it is in human nature to sit on your ass until somebody forces you to get up. And that was what Stalin did.
Okay,Im sorry I went off on a rant here but ignorant people just piss me off.My final point is that although Stalin's ways were ruthless they got the job done.And beleive me if USSR wanted world domination they would've done so a loooong time ago.Afterall they were the strongest world power.
P.S. Just because your parents told you communism = bad, capitalism = good doesn't make that true and just because you've decided to jump on "USSR sucks" bandwagon doesn't make your views right either. The way I see it is that you don't even have a say in this until you've done your research.
And to clear things up, I am not saying Stalin was a great leader, he was actually pretty brutal but I can understand his views and agree with some of them...
626👍 1051👎
To kill mercilessly, with no regret. Usually by slitting the throat by grabbing a person from behind.
Listen, shut the fuck up or I'll stalinize your ass!
If you don't cut it out I'll go stalin on your ass!
5👍 5👎
STALIN’s Organ = Katyusha
STALIN’s Refrigerator = KV-2
STALIN’s Triple Refrigerator = KV-2-2-2 / KV-6
STALIN’s Smile = GuLag
STALIN’s Idea = OURS stuff
When someone in management sees people that are smarter or more popular than them as a threat and"purges" them. either from that deparment or the company.
The new boss took over at the begining of the month, and Alan and Christy were "stalinized" by the end.
2👍 2👎
emma: yo did you check out mr. petkus' stalin?
monka: ya, that shit was huge
32👍 82👎
Great man who rebuilt Russia not once, but twice.
Stalin had to save Trotsky from Trotsky.
158👍 591👎
"I love the way Stalin killed more people than Hitler, and that a majority of them were his own people. What a fuckin hero."
7👍 19👎