"How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?"
"How do you manage the telegramaphone whilst wearing gentlemen's sport gloves?"
12๐ 9๐
one of two teams from the 1980's Nintendo game Tag team wrestling.
23๐ 22๐
A real wrestle man. Also known as Strong Badman. Has no fingers and a The Cheat.
Get in the boat fish. Get in the boat fish fish.
10๐ 8๐
A crazy little man that always says crap and always cheats. But Homestarrunner and the others are to stupid to realize that he cheats.
Strong bad would say: hey strong mad let's cheat at the jumping jack contest,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap.
13๐ 12๐
Satirical character on homestarrunner.com. Parodies every testosterone-driven egotistical legend-in-ones-own-mind sort of person. Alot of people talking crap about him, saying he cant draw, trogdor sucks...well, yeah...THATS THE FRIKIN POINT! He's a satire! If you're too stupid to pick up on that...just stick your prick in a lightsocket allready cuz the world has enough knuckle-dragging morons...
"girls, line up on my left for make-outs! Guys, line up on the right for high-fives!"
11๐ 10๐
One who is "freakin awesome" or "crapfully good"
10๐ 9๐
hey, people who say he's not funny..if he's so terrible, why are you reading his emails?
8๐ 7๐