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surrounded by assassins

In the midst of a place or group that prohibits you from doing what you'd like to do.

Can't light a cigarette in a crowd of non-smokers, can't lie down and read at the library.

"Would love to jump your bones but we are surrounded by assassins."

by DOC JOE June 6, 2009


When someone comes into your personal bubble.

"Yo, homie your in my surroundation Get the fuck out!!"

by Brann-muffin November 18, 2017

Surround Hound

Trying to share a couch with 3 dogs

I was trying to chill on the couch last night but the dogs were all trying to get on the couch with me at the same time. It was total state of Surround Hound.

by Ninja Alphagirl January 1, 2021

Surround Sound

When you have vibrators in all four of your pockets. One on either side and one in the back pockets.

A: Hey does anyone else hear a lot of buzzing?
B: Oh yeah that's just my surround sound, don't worry about it

by denny! May 2, 2018

Surround Sound Bitching

when everyones bugging you from every direction, front, behind, left, right. Hence, surround sound bitching!

i always get surround sound bitching can yall please fuck off?

by criticaul July 10, 2024