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As in a wife that is on a 007 mission to spend all the mans money.

Man: "Bond, I cant afford my dinner for work"
Wife: "I've only ordered loads of random sh*t from the internet what we don't need, didn't cost much.."
Man: "Our life savings are gone.."

by Tupmaker January 9, 2018

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The bond

The practice of walking into a corporate building with a hangover fart brewing and riding the lift up and down until you have generated enough gastro international fortitude to arm yourself with a ready to go flatulence bomb. As you approach the ground floor begin singing the intro tune to James Bond and as the lift opens, deploy your secret weapon. Take three paces forward, then spin and draw your finger guns at the new occupants of the lift. as the the doors slide shut yell the final notes of the intro song to the horrified grimace of your victims.

"On my last day of work I gave my boss the bond as he saw. Me out" - terminated employee

"He bonded us, And we have nowhere to run"
- lift traveller

by Someoneyoucantrust January 18, 2015

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(noun)A person who is a master in multiple fields of online games; (adj)To be masterful in multiple online games; (noun) A person who is masterful enough that it makes other jealous and paranoid during games; (verb) to play so masterfully in a game that it makes other people jealous and paranoid when playing with you.

(1)Joe: Man if Jovi got any better I wouldn't even bother anymore.
Phil: He's masterful at almost every online game.
Matt: No kidding.
John: Jovan! Stop becoming Bond!

(2)Joe: Oh I hate you.
Matt: I never know where he is, and then...blam!
Phil: He makes me jealous and paranoid when I play with him.
Joe: Do you know why?
Phil: No.
Matt: Because he is Bond...

by Nicholas D. Wolfwood April 26, 2004

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To apply Gold Bond Medicated Powder to the genitalia of the male, or female, body (generally male). Bonding leaves the user with a cooling sensation, a feeling of complete satisfaction as if the user has accomplished something of great magnitude, AND prevents chafing. Bonding with friends is a great way to spend any weekend night, and is a prerequisite to ANY action-filled night with the ladies. For best results (if male), "poof" onto hand and use a cupping motion around testicles and move your way up the rest of the genitalia. Bond no more than 3-4 times a day and APPLY GENEROUSLY. After all, what's the point of Bonding if you don't "FEEL THE BUZZ?!"

"Yo Tim, I don't know what you're doing tonight but there's a Bonding party at my house. We've got 3 bottles of Extra Strength Gold Bond (GB). Instant Message me if you're in!"

by Nate Dizzle August 7, 2005

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A super sly ninja guy who wears camoflauge gloves and loves to eat double stuffed E.L. Fudge wafers
while slam baggin his pet pig

I saw Bond in the Utility Closet playing with the vacuum cleaner hose, but i couldn't see his ninja hands.

by Dede's Kid October 23, 2003

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The act of slathering Gold Bond on your balls, with a group of men, and dabbing water on it to get a nice cooling sensation.

"yo dude, wanna go bonding"
"hell yea, just don't get it on the tip of your dick"
"Yea, don't want it to sting there, hahah"

by Dankest Memer April 16, 2016

6πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

bonding moment

what you share with your bro if you totally aren’t gay πŸ˜”πŸ‘Š pour one out cuz lance doesn’t remember

β€œwe had a bonding moment!! i cradled you in my arms!”

by andlance September 8, 2018

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