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Prison Taffy

Several guys stand in a circle around a Jolly Rancher or other hard candy. They all begin to jerk off, ejactulating onto the candy. The last person to cum, consequently, has to eat the soiled sweet.

Tony was secretly delighted when he was last to cu. and had to eat the prison taffy

by Melvin Lentz July 30, 2023

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

laffy taffy

(n)This is a slang term for the female genitalia-- more specifically, the labia minora-- so termed for it's resemblance to stretched (pink) laffy taffy. Therefore, the term may also carry with it connotation of excessive sexual intercourse which can result in a stretched or elongated labia minora.

That ho had so much sex, when she spreads her legs, Willy Wonka himself would envy her Laffy Taffy.

by shecky December 28, 2005

1746๐Ÿ‘ 502๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beach Taffy

When a woman's labia is hanging out the side of her bathing suit.

Sarah: Brooke ! Cover up !
Brooke: What !?
Sarah: You've got beach taffy !
Brooke: Ugghh ! Must have happened when I was getting battered in the surf !

by Fav February 15, 2008

177๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

taffy bag

when sittinig in a hot environment, or hot clothing and your scrotum stretches out like a "taffy bag"

My taffy bag looked like a cat rolled over a fruit roll-up.

by wakenuts February 17, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Raffi Taffi

Any substance that causes spontaneous states of euphoria on the dance floor.

Would you like a Raffi Taffi?

by Ideas guy July 8, 2022

Taffy Twister

When two dudes stand, or lay, face-to-face, and twirl their penises around each other. There is no actual cock-to-cock contact, but the weiners orbit each other, never touching, as binary stars.

There wasn't any gay stuff going on, you know, just a couple of guys doing a Taffy Twister.

by Pennyforth J. Blimpleton November 13, 2010

Taffy Slapped

to be slapped in the face with a flaccid penis

"Yo, Bill Cosby totally Taffy Slapped that midget in the face."

by manitoo137 September 27, 2011