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Tavis is the greatest person ever.He have a great personality popular, handsome, have great sense of humor, charming and have very good hair.Tavis knows how to get along with people but mostly girls. Girls are always attracted to him he's a romantic gangster. Girls like to get naughty for him and he's always a popular footballer. Tavis loves listening music hanging with friends and family and spending time with the girl he loves.

I met Tavis at the football match yesterday.

by January 31, 2022


Someone who looks stoned as FUCK. Or someone who IS stoned as FUCK.

Stoner, pothead, kush king.

Holy shit dude, you look like a fuckin’ Tavi

right now. I think you smoked too much”

by Batshitcheeto May 7, 2020


Written by Caedmon hi people lol

Tavis is my dad

by Caedmonster November 18, 2021


Tavi is a cute lazy girl who always drops things and doesn’t care about life and who doesn’t even have one... about having friends she has none D:

Boy:OMG I just had a date with tavi
Girl:Fine I’ll let you cheat on me as long as its with Tavi because she is so amazing and cute and oh also I forgot too tell u I’m gay

by Blah blah blah girl June 17, 2020


The most handsome brawlhalla player to ever live, outclasses Lostea in every way.

Like omg, Tavi is like the goat.

Ew who invited this lostea guy anyways, imma go talk to Tavi.

by kayteeen January 22, 2022


A gay weeb that is obsessed with Kirishima.

Most likely trying to beat a Rin Stan.

Tavis has such an obsession with Kirishima, it’s scares me

by Agentpanther05 July 29, 2020


Tavi is the most special boy's name I've ever known. The boy in my life who made me so happy through the goodness of his soul. Pisces is a special sign, the most beautiful sign and the most sensitive and wonderful.

Iulia: Tavi, I love you!
Tavi: I love you too!

by ancer sign November 20, 2021