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Something which no one ideally wants to have. Like any surgery or medical treatment problems can occur.

If so called "right to lifers" really want to do something positive, they would channel all their anger and use it to no better word than "glorify" all the alternatives women have to abortion, instead of attacking those who see no other alternative and the doctors that only want to make sure that a woman doesn't suffer from the process.

If rich republicans want everyone who gets pregnant to give birth, then they should start lining up to adopt into their own homes all the kids who are born to women who realize they wont be able to raise those children properly.

by Jock January 26, 2005

214πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž


A procedure deemed as murder by those who think a victim of rape should not be entitled to.

Seen as evil by "Pro-Lifers" who think that war, death penalty, genocide, racism, and fascism are ok.

My freind was raped by 3 men and had an abortion, and an insane pro-lifer had the nerve to tell her to go to hell.

by Common Sence April 30, 2005

250πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž


1. The act of aborting a sequence or process.
2. a) The act of terminating the "life" of an unborn child.
b) If used in large quantities, a potentially greatly effective method of population control.

1. Abort the mission.

2. a) She had an abortion in her 5th month of the pregnancy.

b) We could really use more abortion.

by Dark Laith December 6, 2004

199πŸ‘ 231πŸ‘Ž


A last resource for women with an unwanted pregnancy, either because pregnancy is not legal in her state, she is underage or if she does not want anybody to find out.

Abortion is a procedure done for various reasons, some examples may include, health issues, because she is too young to care for a child, they do not have enough money, the woman was raped or the pregnancy is due to incest or because there is nobody to support them through it or because the unborn baby is stillborn or has a serious disease.

Abortion is not an issue that is taken lightly by the mother, and is very stressful for them to go through.

It may be unfair for men in the church to make these decisions, as it should really be a woman’s choice, and coming down to it men don’t really have to deal with these things all the time. In some situations it may be the only option and nobody should be ever judged for doing this.

Others may say it is murder of an innocent child.

It is important to make up your own decision about abortions, but nobody should ever be judged as sometimes it is the only option.

It may be important also to think outside the square with this issue and not only follow what you have been taught or what the church says, or even, if your on the other side, your friend had an abortion and you think it’s fine. You need to think and maybe accept that in some situations it is necessary and in others it is not.

case example : a 14 year old girl was raped on the street and just found out she is Pregnant. She has a serious heart condition and her family does not have much money and is not supportive. Her dad finds out and accuses her of lying about being raped and kicks her out of home. she thinks she may have to get an abortion but she is religious and doesn't believe in abortion. She doesn't know what to do

what would you do?

by sarah-3-2321 June 11, 2006

210πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž


The termination of a pregnancy unwanted for one reason or another. If necessary, should only be attempted by a licensed practitioner. Those who believe abortions should be fully legalized and readily available do not advocate "killing babies". They simply believe abortion should be a legal option for instances as rape, incest, or ectopic pregnancies. Abortion is not a good thing but sometimes is the only thing. It is also a matter of Freedom, which is supposed to be valued highly in nations such as the USA. If someone wants pleasure but doesn't want to be a parent , where is the freedom in forcing them to be one? What business is it of ours what people do in private as long as it is not harmful? Even more to the point, where's the Freedom in forcing a raped women to either raise a baby she never asked for and comes as a painful reminder of a terrible event or, after the bonding experience of giving birth, part ways with it? And, in cases of the latter, is it healthy for a baby to separated from his mother?

However, Freedom is two-way traffic. (That anyone can call themselves "Pro-Life" and support the US military action in Iraq is nonetheless mind-boggling.)

There is also some debate over who should have the right to decide to get an abortion. Ultimately, it should fall to the woman. It's her body. Still, it would be the decent thing to involve the father (provided he is not a rapist or perverted blood relative.)

Anna: Julia was recovering well from being raped but she just found she's pregnant and she's thinking about an abortion. It's a difficult decision for her to make.

Jane : Who can blame her? Why would she want to mother a baby she never asked for, forced onto her by some creep she doesn't even know by name? Wouldn't it be a terribly painful reminder of her being violated every time she looked at the child?

Anna: Yeah, I agree. Let's call her and tell her to make that appointment...

by The Thinker-Writer February 1, 2010

147πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž


child murder

How come a woman can get an abortion and kill her kid and that’s fine, but if I but a bullet through her head I get charged with double homicide?

by NotPieGuy November 12, 2021

161πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž


Abortion is the act of termiating a fetus before it reaches birth.
Abortion is appropriate in cases such as teenage pregnancy, incest, rape, and inner city mothers who can't afford a child.
Regardless of whether you support abortion morally/religiously, abortion should be legal because it's not the government's job to tell you what's moral and what's not.
If you want a theocracy, move to Saudi Arabia.

Too bad George Bush's parents didn't get an abortion.

by colored girl. August 26, 2006

273πŸ‘ 340πŸ‘Ž