Source Code

Axis of Evil

Something that Bush made to take the blame off him. Some countries on the list were not a threat till he put them on.

North Korea was NOT A THREAT until he IGNORANTLY AND STUPIDLY put them on this lil list called axis of evil. now that dumbass has to deal with this dumbass mistake.

by JAMEs September 21, 2003

47👍 35👎

The Axis Nuke

The result of the bowel movement you get after eating too much German Cuisine: Bratwurst, Baden-Württemberg, Pretzels, Fischstäbchen etc.

x: Hey i'm going out to a German restaurant tonight, want to come with?

y: I would but I don't want to drop the Axis Nuke if you catch my drift.

by That Guy who Informs July 8, 2016


A great friend who will always be there for you. no matter what they’ll always have your back and will love you unconditionally.

Axi-Kun is such a great friend.

by sparky-kun March 15, 2020

axis of evil

Three countries (Iraq, Iran, and North Korea) labled by George W. Bush as enemies of The United States shortly after 911.

Terrorist funding originates in axis of evil states.

by Anonymous January 27, 2003

25👍 17👎

axis of evil

Anyone who doesnt agree with Bush

France, Russia and China

by Daniel Burns July 25, 2003

23👍 16👎

axis of evil

Any single or group of people in any given region at any given time who disagrees with anything the current administration says or does. This notion can change from time to time since the current president is so prone to giving contradicting reports and using incorrect words to convey his meaning. See 'shitlist'.

All naysayers of Bush who live on I Street are a part of the axis of evil. In fact, anything that anyone says about me thats bad is part of my axis of evil.

by Madamasselle July 16, 2003

16👍 10👎

Axis of Justice

Axis of Justice is a non-profit organization formed by Tom Morello of Audioslave and Serj Tankian of System of a Down. Its purpose is to bring together musicians, fans of music, and grassroots political organizations to fight for social justice together. We aim to build a bridge between fans of
music around the world and local political organizations to effectively organize around issues of peace, human rights, and economic justice.

Axis of Justice Radio Show 2nd and 4th friday of every month 7PM PST on KPFK 90.7 FM

go to http://www.kpfk.org to listen to the live stream

by Jeff Hallaian January 13, 2006

11👍 6👎