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anything that pertains to the herb. can be used in noun, adjective, adverb, verb, all/everything possible.

"yo, we're gonna breeze later if you wanna drop by."
"ok, you got enough breeze for a few extra people too?"
"dude, we were breezed out of our minds!"
"man, that guy looked so breezed."

by docistheman February 7, 2008

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breeze it

a word meaning to run, or move fast to a certain location. Alternatively it means to do something fast.

"come on man, we gotta breeze it"

"breeze it man, we gotta get this work done by 12"

by Alex H January 29, 2005

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standing very close to train tracks when a fast moving train moves past, feeling the air pressure wave and wind, getting an adrenaline rush

"When Eric hears the train horn, going to the tracks to get his breezing rush"

by Enzomac August 12, 2014

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Feel The Breeze

Feeling the Breeze is an action of providing someone with the opportunity to exhale in knowing that they're deserving of the love you give them; and that they can comfortably feel that they are enough and not alone any longer.

Sarah had never been able to feel the breeze until she met me and I keep that breeze ignited just because- just because...Sarah, you are worth it.

by AeeDeeTee June 17, 2023

Chatting Breeze

London slang for talking nonsense, or speaking of something about which you have no clear understanding.

"Bingly bongly boo. Snippety-snappety-blarg. Goo ferplunk moo-ha ha ha."
"Man, don't chat breeze."

by Bonny lad November 11, 2004

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chat breeze

To speak a lot of bullshit. Not speak the truth

"BLAD! You chat BREEZE!"

by Paroxx April 6, 2006

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Swedish breeze

Farting under the blanket then wafting the wind of doom into face of bed mate.

Dude I totes gave Meegan a Swedish breeze of epic proportions last night. Smelled like shrimp chili and fear.

by SLyMcGillicudy May 25, 2015