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Acronym for "Cute Awkward Boy", referring to the type of guy, typically (but not necessarily) of the emo persuasion, whose presence almost demands an "AAWWWWW!"
Once a boy discovers he is a CAB, he may intentionally play up his awkward or goofy qualities and/or facial expressions so as to draw the attention of teenage girls.

Example 1
girl 1: "I love Jack Barakat of All Time Low."
girl 2: "I know, he is such a CAB."

Example 2
girl 1: "Did you see that CAB over by the merch table?"
girl 2: "I just wanted to grab him and pick him up like a baby!"

by ChristopherMike December 24, 2009

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N. or Adj.
A term used to describe a male or female who gets ridden by various members of the opposite sex in exchange for currency.

Bob: Aint that girl a ho?
Mike: Yeah nigga, shes a cab.

by Mirstie69 June 22, 2010

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Short for 'cabbage'. Used to describe someone who is really dumb.

Shame; you're in the cab class.

by Your mum's May 6, 2008

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mix - arab and cab. arabian (middle east) cab driver.

Shabiib looked like a terrorist, but he gave me ride in his taxi. he was just an a-cab.

by cat c. October 14, 2003

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Clingy Ass Bitch.

Dam bro she's a cab, she needs to go.

Erick: Dam bro Jay needs to go shes a cab.

Josh: Yeah im tired of her shit, shes off the roster.

by chex_drh September 2, 2010

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marijuana, cheap herb you buy in the hood,

lets smoke

all i can afford is cab

by Ebenezer April 11, 2006

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cab- short for cabbage.a word you would use to call someone
who is a or has been cabbage.you may call yourself or others cabbage or cab when they have done something stupid.
when you call someone cabbage or cab you are calling them stupid or retard,a cabbage is a vegetable

cabbage!!!you ment to hit the ball with the bat,not swing let go of the bat,like your throwing the bat.hit the ball cab !!

man im a cab !! was looking at a hot chick in town so wasnt looking where i was going and crashed my car into a tree

any1 seen my keys??-
- yamum
cabbage you always lose them!!-
yeh what a cab!!-

by fred freleg longdong May 4, 2007

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