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The term used to describe:

A) one who camps in a video game (developed by radical anti-camping movements such as in Counter Strike); well known to COD players who've adapted it
B) a camper, who most literally travels to the nearest forest to pitch a tent to hunt squirrels and/or to hug the nearest tree
* see tree-hugger

"Dude, I ran into a lifeless camper gaming the other day!"
"Sucks. What happened?"
"He shot me you moron."

Yeah, Dave's a real camper.

by happycamper93 March 12, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually in Multi-player games, a player who will "camp" by a spawn point, in order to kill a player almost instantly after he/she has respawned. This, is a perfectly legal tactic, however it is very much unfair. these problems are somtimes prevented by game features such as invicablity fo (X) amount of time after the player has spawned. Campers are usually unexperienced players or noobs, who can not win the game, so they use this method insted of obtaining victory through skill.

*player A moves to enemy spawn point*

*Player B is killed, respawns, then is quickly killed by player A, who is "camping by the spawn point*

this continues as insults are exchanged, mostly about the camper being a noob.

by Ruppy September 24, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


While camping is, in fact, a legit strategy, it does make for boring game play. If a person wishes to devote their life to waiting and not moving (apparently some people get off on winning and not actually playing the game to it's fullest extent) then that's their business. They are just creating an unfriendly game where winning at any cost is the sole purpose. Campers will often resort to hacks as well if their camping fails to achieve them victory.

The bane of the camper is having his weapon of choice removed from his arsonal usually resulting in his defeat (should he not quit the game first).

Campers also find themselves tiring of a game sooner than others because they experience the same game play their entire time camping. This results in the purchasing of a new game where a new camping location will, without a doubt, draw the attention of the camper, where he will then repeat the process above.

Player A - "Well I was having fun until that camper joined."
Host - "Yeah, I'll just remove sniper rifles."
(Camper Leaves)
Host - "There we go, back to a good game."

by Phil April 4, 2005

83๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person in a first person shooter who claims to "play defensively". By this they mean sit and wait in one spot, usually crouched behind some sort of obstacle only revealing their head.

The other people who actually fight for their kills run in there, just to get killed by a camper.

Some people call this type of play "strategic" and "smart" however this type of play is used by people who are afraid to get killed in a videogame.

Campers are basically people who sit and wait for an opponent to come into their site of vision to spray hordes of bullets killing them in their path. Or in other words ruining the game for everyone else.

Note: Some of these campers tend to use noob tubes, and heart beat sensors.

"BOOM HEADSHOT!!! IM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME!!! Im so good Im getting an erection!" says the camper.

"Wow dude just wow, fucking camper kills me when I was about to get nuke. I hope someone poisons your marshmallows, or a wild bear attacks your camp site you FAG! CAMPER!!!" says the irritated person who was just killed by the camper.

by X_anonymous314_X January 31, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Also known as "Tactical Positioning", is a term used by the online gaming community (PC, PSN, XBOX Live; usually found in First-person Shooters) to define someone that sits in one particular spot during a game and only kills enemy combatants that come into their field of view. Although it is frustrating for the person who gets killed, Campers provide an excellent service to their teammates when it comes to objective based games (i.e. Capture the Flag, Sector Control/Domination, etc.)

Not to be confused with snipers. The role of a sniper is to take up a position from afar and pick enemies off from a distance and to cover their teammates and call out enemy positions to help the rest of the team. Due to the fact that a sniper is supposed to remain in a particular spot to achieve this, it is somewhat understandable that some people refer to sniping as camping... But those people are idiots because they are upset that running around with an AR or SMG are getting annihilated and make up for their pathetic score by talking smack and sh!t about snipers and campers. LET THIS BE KNOWN: SNIPERS ARE NOT CAMPERS, VICE VERSA.

Majority of the people who badmouth campers are the ones that repeatedly run to the spot where the camper is hiding and gets killed over and over and over trying to kill the camper. In this situation, the non camper is the n00b.

Campers are found in Medal of Honor and Call of Duty MW2/BO

by Bad_Karma_218 December 18, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used by restaurant servers to describe a table of people who have completely finished dining, but continue to just sit there for hours and not order anything.

" I can't cash out and go home yet, because those campers at table 15 haven't paid yet!!"

" The wait at the door is so long because of all these campers!"

by bittermel July 11, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term given to an annoying one night stand who will not leave your place the next morning. Instead, they camp in your bedroom or home and treat it as if it were theirs. Even if you give the signal that it is time for them to go, they will not leave โ€“ even after several hours. There are several stages to be aware of:

Stage 1 Camper: (Still there 30 min after you are awake) You realize she/he is awake so you pretend you are asleep. If she stays awake and waits for you to wake up, you have a stage 1 camper. Not bad because she/he may just be waiting for you to wake to say bye. If not, she is preparing her camping gear.

Stage 2 Camper: (1 hour after being awake) Pretending you are asleep failed and now you both are "awake". She/he begins a lengthy conversation about random crap that has nothing to do with the night before. If they keep talking that means they are unpacking their gear and setting up their tent.

Stage 3 Camper: (1-2 hours) The chit chat extends for more than an hour or so and she/he turns on the TV. Now their tent is up and they are planning on staying.

Stage 4 Camper: (2-3 hours) She/He begins to talk about breakfast and asks what you have. Oh boy, their tent is fully furnished at this point. Firewood gathering is next.

Stage 5 Camper: (3+ hours) You have had breakfast and if she doesn't leave within 20-30 minutes afterwards, you have a severe situation on your hands. The camp has been completely set up and the firewood is burning.

You wake up from a long night of partying to a girl/guy in your bed. They don't leave within the first half hour and instead begin to control your TV, check social media sites on your computer, ask what you have for breakfast, and even ask to watch a movie. They are camping out and can be considered a camper.

by Campologist March 3, 2011

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