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Dirty Bird

A marijuana joint with crack cocaine sprinkled in it.

Matt had a great day today, so he celebrated by smoking a dirty bird.

by Mr. Bass Player August 17, 2012

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Dirty Bird

'A girl who usually appears innocent, often having a private school background, but who is ultimately ten times dirtier than any other girl out there. She revels in being a sort of 'secret slut' and only very few know about her slutty behaviour. She enjoys most sexually activities, especially those that others find out of bounds and has most likely engaged in sex with multiple men. In short, she is filthy.'

'That girl Zoe is a right dirty bird, last night she came round to my house and sucked off me and my best mate before letting us both take her from behind'

by Filthy Boy December 6, 2007

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Dirty Bird

The White Hawk Cafe (Bar in Penn Hills-Pittsburgh PA)

"Lets goto the Dirty Bird and find some Whowaz"

by BetterOff October 17, 2006

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dirty bird

A flithy woman that has the potential to have a large number of STD's

That dirty bird looks like she was rode hard and put away wet.

by Brent Shirley November 16, 2007

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dirty bird

Any kind of fast food chicken thats loaded in fat and grease.

Lets order dirty bird for dinner tonght.

by K, Peters December 24, 2006

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Dirty bird

Another term for flipping someone off.

"... Did that guy just flash us the dirty bird?"

by Tartonkovski August 19, 2007

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dirty bird

1) a perv....as referenced by miss jackson
2) an unwashed private part, male or female

1) you're such a dirty bird
2) think it's time for a shower, gotta clean my dirty bird

by radus June 17, 2009

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