Source Code

Essence of hyperbeer

The result of partially frozen hyperbeer

This beverage is only for the most patient bro. Upon making standard hyperbeer, the bro must refrain from drinking in order to freeze the new substance yet again, removing even more of the non-beer (water) content from the hyperbeer. Once the hyperbeer is partially frozen, remove the your essence of hyperbeer and serve at room temperature for maximum taste.

Fear not good bro, if you over-freeze the hyperbeer, you will still have some hyperbeersicles (fully frozen hyperbeer to be eaten).

Dumb Bro- "Bro, all i have is partially frozen hyperbeer"
Bro- "BRO! Essence of Hyperbeer!(frat snap)

by BRO, WE'RE THE SAME BRO, BRO May 30, 2011

Gamer Essence

That magical aura that you produce when you fall into the state of "Sicko Mode" in a game. It is possible to capture it in a container for later usage. This aura is commonly used as an ingredient of gamer boosters like G fuel.

Kyle was radiating with Gamer Essence while dumping on kids in Minecraft Hunger Games.

by Nitskyi July 4, 2019

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Herbal Essences

The act of ripping open a girls ass and pouring shampoo right down. Now when she takes a shit she cleans your toilet.

John get me the herbal essences

by HACKz1337 November 20, 2008

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Feast of Essence

Holiday created in 2000 to celebrate the washing away of the past year's dissapointments. Celebrated on the last weekend of July.

Usually involves doing whatever and individual wants to do to have a kick ass time to shed his/her dissapointments. Must involve consuming a large quantity of food on the saturday night.

As of 2004 the holiday has been celebrated by people in Canada, UK, Japan and Colombia.

"Its the last weekend in July, Happy Feast of Essence!"

"What are you doing for Feast? I'm planning on getting liqoured up, painting myself hot pink and running down the street!"

"What did you do for feast last year? I ate heartily and well, took in some fireworks, crashed a wedding and ate 3 tubs of ice cream!"

by oneoftheholidayscreators July 13, 2005

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Essence's Ass

The best ass ever it is big juicy and thick asf
asf-as fuck

Dude #1:Omg look over there.
Dude #2:What?
Dude#1:Essence's ass is big and juicy Ima hit.

by Yep18 December 17, 2016

mythical essence

The smell of semen

lol nice mythical essence, you were totally not wanking over there

by WeirdSpecialties May 31, 2017

herbal essence

the smell of marijuana

yo i want to smell that herbal essence; lets put that herbal essence in the air; revigerating

by DeMCe JaK February 8, 2011

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