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Hannah Montana

The latest money-maker from the Disney Channel. Hannah Montana (the show) follows the life of a young Miley Stewart as she balances being a normal girl with being a celebrity popstar, with the only difference between the two being a blonde wig. Her singing is mediocre, something you would find at a Karaoke bar...

Miley: You got the best of both worlds!
Walt Disney's Ghost: Yes! More money! Send it to my underground, frozen lair!
Miley: Man, I love singing!
WDG: Man, I love money!
Miley: Man, I love my daddy!
WDG: Man, I love you Hannah Montana!

by joshrocks7890 February 18, 2008

210๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

A no talent, over-rated, product of Disney, WASTE OF SPACE with a retarded name.

Retarded 12 year old: HOMGWTFBBQ I got tickets to HANNAH MONTANA.

Random Person on Street: Shut the fuck up. -shoots her-

by George Le November 18, 2007

1146๐Ÿ‘ 542๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

A tween celebrity who looks like a monkey with make-up

Big Sister: oh god. what are you talking about? she looks like a monkey with make-up.

by Malish February 16, 2008

670๐Ÿ‘ 310๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

Just another damned clone produced by Bell Labs under contract to Disney. When she is all-used-up, they'll produce more to unleash on the public.

"Hannah Montana. Proof you can come from nowhere and bring it with you. Also, few adults know or even care that her last name is spelled with only two "n's", not three."

by Carl J. Maltese February 16, 2008

102๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

I stuck up brat that sings about her fame and brags. She is a stupid ugly skank with an ugly smile and a stupid wig. She couldn't sing to save her life! But what's worse is her acting! Anyone can be 5 times better than that! All she thinks is "I'm just to good for all of you!. Again, her songs are about her bragging about how famous she is.

Hannah Montana: Yeah, I'm like so better than you cuz I'm FAMOUS!! YAH! I'm better than ALL YOU! But I suck at everything so YAH!

by swimchick April 7, 2007

704๐Ÿ‘ 339๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

A show that shouldn't even be watched by blind and deaf people.

She sounds like a 40 year old smoker and has horrible teeth. But please forgive her Disney cant pay her enough for voice lessons. Oh wait yes they can!

Dentist: I see we scheduled and appointment for .... Hannah montana?

Nurse: Oh not anymore she canceled.... again. Something about embracing her inner beaver teeth?

by Lalalalalallalalalalauren November 29, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

"A dirty,stuck-up,sadistic,shit-eating,cocksucking,buttfucking,penis-smelling,crotch-grabbing,ball-licking,semen-drinking,dog-raping,Nazi-loving,child-touching,cow-humping,perverted,spineless,heartless,mindless,dickless,testicle-choking,urine-gargling,jerk-offing,horse face,sheep-fondling,toilet-kissing,self-centered,feces-puking,dildo-shoving,snot-spitting,crap-gathering,big nose,monkey-slapping,bastard-screwing,bead-shitting,fart-knocking,sack-busting,splooge-tasting,bear-blowing,head-swallowing,bitch-snatching,handjobbing,donkey-caressing,mucus-spewing,anal-plugging,ho-grabbing,uncircumsized,sewer-sipping,whore mongering,piss-swimming,midget-munching,douche bag,ho-biting,carniverous mail order prostituting ASSHOLE!"

Dude hannah montana is such a dirty,stuck-up,sadistic,shit-eating,cocksucking,buttfucking,penis-smelling,crotch-grabbing,ball-licking,semen-drinking,dog-raping,Nazi-loving,child-touching,cow-humping,perverted,spineless,heartless,mindless,dickless,testicle-choking,urine-gargling,jerk-offing,horse face,sheep-fondling,toilet-kissing,self-centered,feces-puking,dildo-shoving,snot-spitting,crap-gathering,big nose,monkey-slapping,bastard-screwing,bead-shitting,fart-knocking,sack-busting,splooge-tasting,bear-blowing,head-swallowing,bitch-snatching,handjobbing,donkey-caressing,mucus-spewing,anal-plugging,ho-grabbing,uncircumsized,sewer-sipping,whore mongering,piss-swimming,midget-munching,douche bag,ho-biting,carniverous mail order prostituting ASSHOLE

by commandersqwigly July 5, 2009

104๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž