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Immigrant Pants

Pants worn by newly migrated citizens which often deviate from the conventional trouser or pant attire of their new found land.

Hey, I love the immigrant pants he is wearing, that must be the cool thing to wear, where emigrated from.

by normandconnie January 28, 2019

Digital Immigrant

Someone that was born before the digital world started.

These people tend to be Digital Immigrants Old People Seniors Senior Citizens really anyone that you wouldnt consider young like your parents.

by Self Deprecating Geek October 17, 2011

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Immigrant's Song

A Led Zeppelin song released in 1970 whose existence was not known by the past 2 generations of children until it featured 2014's "Destiny " trailer and also in 2017's "Thor: Ragnarok" trailer and movie.

Friend 1: hey you've heard "Immigrant's Song" by Led Zeppelin right?
Friend 2: yeah the one from the Thor: Ragnarok trailer?
Friend 1: get out of my house.

by Taffinderp March 8, 2018

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digital immigrant

Someone who grew up before the digital age and is fairly new to the internet. Basically anyone over the age of 28.

YouTube is foreign to the digital immigrant.

by Oingodeboingo November 11, 2004

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Immigration Station

A place for immigrants to get together.

Lets all go down to the immigration station.

by BMistro June 9, 2003

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Immigration Sex

The act of moving from one place to another during sexual intercourse mid-session. Immigration sex is a great way for men to last longer, a nice change of pace, and preventing rugburn of the knees/ass.

Jess: I'm inventive. We started our immigration sex in the shower once and ended up in the bed.

Me: Orly? Did being all wet make you slip on the way to the bed?

Jess: Yeah it did, but as we slipped his dong landed right in my vag, definitely crossing my border.

Me: Were you okay with that? Some girls I know are against border hoppers.

Jess: Oh yeah, immigration sex definitely improved this country. ;)

by silasam July 18, 2010

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Polish Immigrant

This is a Polish person which the English see as an immigrant.

Man: Oh look its one of those polish immigrants again!
Other man: Wait, yeah thats raf the one who came in on a boat
Man: There's a lot of them nowadays.
Other man: Yeah my dad lost his job because of it

by Critiql June 14, 2018

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