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Full length

British slang defining the result when one manages to get rid of the entire contents of their rectal passage in one go, without splitting the fecal matter in any place or having to do 'seconds' (where there is more than one log).

"Scott managed to squeeze off a full length on Monday."

by Stuart Fletcher November 1, 2004

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Team length

When a person who is very lengthy and\or really good at something

James crossed the every living fuck out of Matthew and then slam cammed on Jacob and shouted "Team length" to prove his superiority .

by Cuckatron September 29, 2017

douche length

The spacing between vehicles , when you are trying to pull into traffic. It is approximately too close to pull out and too far apart for you to actually get to where you are going on time. ie. 1/2 to 3/4 of a Yugo car length.

15 trucks in a row, all going a douche length. Well might as well settle down until the incest pride parade goes past.

by benthenry April 3, 2015

length monster

It is a lenghty Chilly CHesse DOg with fries on the top.

Wanna come by my house my bomie made a length monster for the both of us.

by BIg juicyboy6677 January 18, 2018

worth a length

when you see someone youd'e like to fuck

look at that slut, shes worth a length

by oli plant January 5, 2007

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cock length

A general unit of measurement used to describe relatively long objects. The opposite of a c-hair.

'When installing the underground sprinkler system, John used a half a cock length of pipe to get from the garage to the curb."

by Roger DeCoster September 13, 2005

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reverends length

the slipping of a vicars manhood

i was once a choir boy, until the good reverend slipped me his reverends length

by jon boy walton May 18, 2008

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