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Ass Smart

A variation of smart ass, but reserved for those who are both sarcastic and intelligent at the same time.

Person 1: If I didn't know you better, I'd think that you're being sarcastic.
Person 2: You dingle-berry, I'm ass smart.

by M Christensen2 November 25, 2006

6👍 3👎


Adjective, an antonym (opposite) to the smartest, describing a person who always tries to outsmart everybody they come across, considering everybody stupid and thinking no one notices that their behaviour is outrageous, while everybody keeps silence out of politeness. A synonym to a dickhead, prick, bastard etc.

Keep away from Donald. He is so smart-assed. Thinks himself the smartest and consider everybody yahoos. He will buy you a cup of "covfefe" today , but tomorrow he will make you pay for a dozen of "covfefes".

by Murdoc Kylburne January 16, 2018

Smart Ass

Gympie Gympie / Dendrocnide moroides

Nickname For gympie gympie since it would a bad idea to wipe your bum with it.

"whatch out for that smart ass over there it realy stings"

by Kid with assburgars September 19, 2023

Resting smart ass face

When someone who is normally a smart ass is currently not saying or making a face which would normally be interpreted as being a smart ass.

David Jones is a prime example of resting smart ass face when he isn’t speaking.

by Clvegrl March 30, 2020

"Smart" ass

A person who acts all smart against insults thinking all of their comebacks are the best but really they look like an asshole

Person 1: Oh my god you are such a bitch
"Smart" ass: hmmm bitch is a female dog and people like dogs so people must like me

by Epicclowngamer July 28, 2022