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an intelligent teenage girl who is very attractive and is confident in their own skin. this girl has a beautiful laugh and a passionate personality. she is someone who is loyal and wonderful and any man would be lucky to have her love and devotion. :)

"wow that tori is hot. i cant believe she is available. maybe i should get up the nerve to talk to her.i bet she is so worth it."

by Audrey Hepburn Lover October 15, 2009

569πŸ‘ 273πŸ‘Ž


tori (n): pretty much the most awesome person you will ever hope to meet. many people try to be as balla as tori but in many cases do not suceed. toris are pretty awesome and pretty much the greatest thing sience...EVER! many people hope to be tori but never are because shes a ballaholic!

woah look at tori, shes more ballin then that kid in detroit son.

by Joe Mama Face January 16, 2007

2507πŸ‘ 1297πŸ‘Ž


The word used to describe a member or supporter of the Conservative Party. Along the same line as toff as it really is used as a derogatory way to insult rich or stuck-up people who care for nothing other themselves and their tendencies to shoot wild animals

'Hello, who are you?'
'My name is Jeffrey and I am a Tory'
'A what?'
'A tory, a member of the conserv..'
'Shut the fuck up Jeffrey!'

by Charlie & Amy August 10, 2005

523πŸ‘ 258πŸ‘Ž


An Amazing Girl Who Doesnt Mind Drama, She Can Be Mean And Has A Strong Attitude But She can also be incredibly nice don't forget she's amazingly beautiful, smart and you can't forget hilarious she only ever sticks up for her true friends and she don't let people chat sh*t about her, secretly she is actually vets strong and could beat your ass any day So Don't Grt On Her Bad Side!πŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸ–•πŸ»

Tori can't be beaten and she is truely Wonderfulβ™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

by Elisza January 24, 2017

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Real cool, down to earth person who isnt afraid to laugh

friend one:"dude, u just hit a squirrel"

Tori: "HA! aw man"

by gtrpenguin May 3, 2010

233πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


Tori is a woman with many talents. She has the passion and soul of a fireball. Girls say she's an evil bitch, but in reality there just jealous. Tori is always polite and little to compassionate to people that just use her. She's the most gorgeous woman anyone has ever laid eyes on with or without makeup. For a young woman whose been through some pretty traumatic and life threatening situations she still stays positive and worries more about a stranger and other people then she does herself. If you ever become lucky enough to date her then don't waste anytime trying to win her over and put a ring on it cause you'll regret losing a the sexiest angel from hell.. she has the scares to prove her struggles. Her daughter will become an amazing woman because of this angels genes. She's the true definition of of love and loyalty.

Mira Belle came straight out of Compton. Inherited where millions from her mother's fame and success.

I love tori.

Let's go see tori, I wanna laugh.

I owe tori my life bro.

Imma marry that girl some day.

by compton20 January 12, 2017

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


To have been knocked out by a much stronger guy whose girlfriend you had slept with and pissed your pants

DUDE! Mike got toryed by john. Maybe he shouldn't of fucked John's girl.

by Ratneer February 23, 2010

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž