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One who exhibits a sick unhealthy insane obsession with an ex friend who rejected him. This obession can lead to various results. Such as following, bugging, writing definitions on Urban Dictionary, calling and getting me to try to harrass other people. When friend's feeling by said girl is not returned nutter in question starts exhibiting dangerous psychotic behaviors that can last for years.

My friend Vitale is obsessed with this girl. He should be put away in the mental ward for the rest of his life. He's such a stalker.

by Mike Rehmyer December 26, 2007

289๐Ÿ‘ 224๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is obsessed with another person so much that their whole life is following that person. They eat, sleep, breathe that person and sometimes want to be that person! wow, isnt that creapy? The type of person a stalker might stalk is their crush, ex wife or ex girlfriend or maybe someone they want to become. Typical things a stalker might do: follow you home from school/work, drive past your house often, hide in your bushes and watch you sleep, collect tissues you've used. Stalkers are EVERYWHERE, the best thing to do when being confronted by a stalker is remain calm, dont get a restraining order...that only makes them more mad.

girl- *walks out of her house* What's that? Whos there? *looks up in tree* OmG! who the fuck are you! get out of here you stalker!
stalker- No please! i love you! i need you! you = my life!
girl- HELP!!! someone help me! *runs into house, but stalker is already there waiting* howd u get in here so fast!
stalker- dont fight it, accept it...
girl- no help!!!!
stalker- *kidnaps girl and keeps her in his basement referring to her as 'Queen' and 'Mother'

by M954 May 27, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is completely and totally obsessed with another person to the point of insanity. They like one person for years at a time and do juvenile things such as finding their phone number out from someone else, calling them 3 times a week, driving past their house, finding out where they work, knowing every little fact about them even when they know nothing about you, memorizing their license plate number, keeping pictures and photos of them you've stolen, collecting items of theirs such as used straws, etc.

Paula is the biggest stalker on earth.

by loserinlove February 18, 2005

203๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who knows everything about someone

License plate #, Vehicle style, house they live in, church they go to, thinks about them all the time

by paniterly one October 22, 2003

49๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


a creepy guy who knows what youre doing at all times and when he dosent hes trying to know. Someone who harrasses, annoys, provokes because of self contempt and jealousy. Is known for doing anything to get a reaction. Will go to any length because hes so f'in sad and has no life whatsoever. Bruised ego loser.

vitale was such a stalker, he even followed them online.

by arfis September 27, 2007

618๐Ÿ‘ 515๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stalkers are creeps - Ignore: They pester you till you delete them. Delete: They send you a request and ask why you deleted them. Block: They add you on other social networks. - They just never quit!

The stalkers hunt you down and drive you crazy. Stalkers are on all social networks and that is creepy.

by Shinpi January 17, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you're looking through you're pictures on a camera, (s)he's the person watching you from behind.

wow.... i don't remember him being in the picture! stalker....

by so true its not even funny. May 28, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž