Source Code

legacy timeline

The chronological sequence of events surrounding the Legacy discord server and the game attached to it on Roblox

The Legacy timeline is so confusing Rad!

by PaulioKing April 14, 2020

fate timeline

The one thing the human race will never understand

Guy.1” hey do you know the proper way to watch the fate timeline?”
Guy.2 “ No one does”

by Th3An1meman August 13, 2021


If your seeing this, that means you’re in the right timeline.

I’m seeing this definition on UrbDic, im definitely in the right timeline then.

by disturb May 27, 2021


Having your Facebook account converted over to the new and "improved" facebook timeline feature. This can be either be intentional by the user or a complete screw job from Facebook. This can have the unintended consequence of leaving you Feature Fucked by making pictures of you drunk in college readily accessible on your front page.

Wow, I just timelined myself and all my stuff is in one place! AWESOME!

I just logged into Facebook and they timelined me! NO!!!!!!!

I'd like to use that new social reader app but I don't want to get timelined. I like my old Facebook page.

by FreeColdBeer May 14, 2012